Before the actual birth of a child, Four important ceremonies are enjoined to be performed. They are nuptials (Nisheka), consummation (Garbhadana), Pumsavana (change of sex) and Seemanta-unnayan.
I . Nisheka - 1st sexual contact. Great psychological value is attached to it. One should be in cheerful and friendly mood . Avoid 1st 3 hours of night and 1st 4 day s of menses. Recommended on the 6th day of menses. Auspicious days are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. All tithis except 4, 9,14 & 30 are auspicious.
2. Garbhadhaan, i.e. Impregnation or subsequent coitus. Copulation should be made after four days from commencement of menses. Sexual union on even days counted from start of menses within 16 days is giver of son, and on odd days, giver of a female child. Sexual union on the 6th day of menses gives birth to an intelligent and dutiful son.
Auspicious nakshatras: sravana, rohini, anuradha, swati, revati, moola, 3 uttras, shatbhisha are best, punarvasu, dhanishta, mrigashira, ashwin, chitra, pushya are ordinary, avoid the rest. Avoid coitus on 4,8,9,14 ,15 and 30th tithis, on shraddha day of parents, during eclipse and period of 3 gadantas .
3. Pumsavana : to make male foetus or to do male producing rights. 2nd and 3rd months are the only months when this can be undertaken. (Change in sex): Jupitor on which the sex of the child is formed rules 3rd month of conception. Herbs or pooja or daan are given on an auspicious day in the 3rd month on the tithis, days, and in nakshatras stated auspicious for seemanta samskara when chandra bala and tara bala is favourable . Aspect of Venus on lagna is good . Jupiter - Venus combustion need not be considered. In muhurta kundali Lagna should be in signs 1,4,5,7,9 or 10 with 8th house vacant.
4. Seemanta-unnayan - to protect the pregnant woman from evil forces and to get a child in good health. Certain religious acts such as Vishnu pooja or pooja of lord of 6th or 8th month is
performed in the 6th (Saturn is lord) or 8th(Lagnesh is lord) month of pregnancy, when lord of month is strong. In transit, Moon should be in sravana, rohini, moola, mrigashira, pushya, punarvasu or hasta nakshtra, on a good Vaar, i.e. male day i.e. Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday in any tithi except rikta, 6,8,12,15, or 30. In muhurta kundali 2,3,4,6,7,9 or 12 rasis should be lagna, with a benefic in a lagna & 8th be vacant.
I . Nisheka - 1st sexual contact. Great psychological value is attached to it. One should be in cheerful and friendly mood . Avoid 1st 3 hours of night and 1st 4 day s of menses. Recommended on the 6th day of menses. Auspicious days are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. All tithis except 4, 9,14 & 30 are auspicious.
2. Garbhadhaan, i.e. Impregnation or subsequent coitus. Copulation should be made after four days from commencement of menses. Sexual union on even days counted from start of menses within 16 days is giver of son, and on odd days, giver of a female child. Sexual union on the 6th day of menses gives birth to an intelligent and dutiful son.
Auspicious nakshatras: sravana, rohini, anuradha, swati, revati, moola, 3 uttras, shatbhisha are best, punarvasu, dhanishta, mrigashira, ashwin, chitra, pushya are ordinary, avoid the rest. Avoid coitus on 4,8,9,14 ,15 and 30th tithis, on shraddha day of parents, during eclipse and period of 3 gadantas .
3. Pumsavana : to make male foetus or to do male producing rights. 2nd and 3rd months are the only months when this can be undertaken. (Change in sex): Jupitor on which the sex of the child is formed rules 3rd month of conception. Herbs or pooja or daan are given on an auspicious day in the 3rd month on the tithis, days, and in nakshatras stated auspicious for seemanta samskara when chandra bala and tara bala is favourable . Aspect of Venus on lagna is good . Jupiter - Venus combustion need not be considered. In muhurta kundali Lagna should be in signs 1,4,5,7,9 or 10 with 8th house vacant.
4. Seemanta-unnayan - to protect the pregnant woman from evil forces and to get a child in good health. Certain religious acts such as Vishnu pooja or pooja of lord of 6th or 8th month is
performed in the 6th (Saturn is lord) or 8th(Lagnesh is lord) month of pregnancy, when lord of month is strong. In transit, Moon should be in sravana, rohini, moola, mrigashira, pushya, punarvasu or hasta nakshtra, on a good Vaar, i.e. male day i.e. Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday in any tithi except rikta, 6,8,12,15, or 30. In muhurta kundali 2,3,4,6,7,9 or 12 rasis should be lagna, with a benefic in a lagna & 8th be vacant.