अंक विज्ञान में तिथि का महत्त्व

कैलेंडर की तिथियाँ प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रूप से ग्रहों से प्रभावित रहती हैं |  ग्रहो का अंक शास्त्र  में महत्वपूर्ण स्थान होता है अंकशास्त्र में प्रत्येक ग्रह को एक विशिष्ट अंक से जाना जाता है |
जो ग्रह जिस अंक से प्रभावित रहता है उस अंक को दर्शाने वाली तिथियाँ भी उस ग्रह से प्रभावित होती हैं
अतः इन ग्रहों की अंकशास्त्र में संख्या के अनुसार इन तिथियों को ७ श्रेणियों में बांटा जा सकता है |
१. सूर्य प्रभावित तिथियाँ – १, १०, १९, २८ और ४,१३, २२, ३१
२. चन्द्र प्रभावित तिथियाँ – २,११,२०, २९, और ७,१६,२५
३. मंगल प्रभावित तिथियाँ – ९, १८, २७
४. बुध प्रभावित तिथियाँ – ५,१४,२३
५. गुरु प्रभावित तिथियाँ – ३,१२,२१,३०
६. शुक्र प्रभावित तिथियाँ – ६,१५,२४
७. शनि प्रभावित तिथियाँ – ८,१७,२६

Bhadra and its importence in muhurta

Summary - Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVIII

In the last seventeen Chapters, we have been able to cover almost all the important aspects of Muhurtha, a branch of astrology which is still very popular, amongst all sections of people not only in India but in other parts of the world too.

The rationale of Muhurtha consists in appreciating the importance of the time-factor in all human undertakings. It is an admitted fact that all source of life and terrestrial activities is the Sun. Forces emanating from thit glorious body vary in intensity and influence as a result of their contact with other celestial bodies. Man is himself a bundle of electrical currents and therefore there is always a sort of interaction between planetary forces and those incessantly radiated by man. By Muhurtha is meant that valuable moment when there is the greatest harmony or resonance between human and stellar radiations.
Horoscopy is diagnostic. Muhurtha is preventive on prescriptive. It sets at naught the theory of absolute determinism and gives scope for the display of volition within reasonable limits. Therefore even if afitictions exist in the birth horoscope they can be neutralised or at least lessened by recourse to Muhurtha.
Muhurtha takes into cognizance the importance of the radical Moon as he indicates the mind and alt our psychological inhibitions. Hence almost every election is to be so timed as to have reference to the birth star and consequently to the birth Moon. Janma Tara is the ruling constellation while Janma Rasi means the zodiacal sign occupied by the Moon at the time of one's birth.
In electional astrology, the Panchanga, made up as it is of five important astrological limbs, is of great significance. The Panchanga consists of (1) Tithi, (2) Vara, (3) Nakshatra, (4) Yoga and (5) Karana.
The Tithi is the lunar day. This can be known thus: Subtract the longitude of the Sun from that of the Moon in degrees at a given time. Divide the remainder by 12 and the quotient plus one will be the current tilhi. The remainder when subtracted from 12 and divided by the diurnal motion in degrees will give in day the time at which the lunar day will change. Vara is of course the usual weekday commencing from Sunday and ending with Saturday. The Nakshatra is the ruling constellation. This can be ascertained thus: - Reduce the position of the "Moon into minutes and divide it by 800. The quotient represents the past nakshatra and the remainder ait portion of trie next star. Then we have the Yoga which may be obtained thus: - Take the position of the Sun and the Moon and divide it by the sum of their motions. The quotient as usual represents the past yoga. Then we have the last limb, viz., Karana or haif a lunar day. There are 27 Nakshatras, 27 Yogas and 11 Karanas.
In Muhurtha, the pride of place is always given to Nakshatra. Vara and Tithi. The other two limbs whilst no doubt important in their own way are in actual practice of secondary value.
In selecting auspicious times, due notice must be taken of the purpose in view. Each human activity requires the strengthening of a particular house or signification or the presence of a particular type of combination.
Rasis and constellations have their negative periods also. Such periods, should be rejected in all good works. Tuesday and Saturday are invariably bad for all auspicious works. There are certain exceptions for this general rule. For instance, Tuesday is good for surgical operations.
The most important factors to be considered are the Tarabala or strength of constellation. Chandrabala: or lunar strength and the Panchaka or the strength of the sum-total of five kinds of energies called into play at a particular moment. In all these cases there are exceptions to be noted. Hence, in the election of a Muhurtha, one should be very careful. Each constellation has its own role to play as suitable for a certain type of activity. In fact, Pushyami is considered a constellation par excellence. It could be employed for all purposes but not for marriage.
There are twenty-one great evils (Mahadoshas) being the resultant of the operation of the various forces. As many of these doshas as possible must be avoided. Of these, Kujashtana and Bhrigushataka are definitely harmful for marriage while the others are equally evil in respect of other elections. One important consideration should weigh with the Astrologer, viz., that the force of good must supersede those of evil for an absolutely good Muhurtha is inconceivable. Several combinations and exceptions are given which would render the forces of evil either null and void or less harmful. For instance, do day of the week is blemished provided the lord thereof is strongly placed. A benefic exalted in Lagna should nullify all other adverse influences, if the kendras are fortified, sources of evil are considerably lessened.
A certain weekday coinciding with a certain lunar day and constellation constitutes a special Yoga capable of generating very good influences. For example, Thursday identical with the 4th lunar day and the constellation Makha gives rise to Siddha Yoga, a highly favourable combination. These special influences merit the attention of a student of Muhurtha.
Of the Shodasa Karmas (16 kinds of ceremonies) prescribed for the Hindu, excepting a few, the vest are common to persons of all castes; creeds and nationalities and they are therefore of universal application. Nishekam or the first sexual act is astrologically very significant for *"not only do the radiations from these stars exercise an influence on the animal and human embryo but, since all substance, living or inert, is constituted of elections which are materialised radiations, the formation of all organic beings on earth depends directly on the influence of these radiations on the human egg at the moment of conception".

* La Grand Problem by Lakhovsky

The ancients have also hinted at the possibility of change of sex by having the ceremony of Pumsavana done when the foetus has attained a certain age. Of the post-natal ceremonies. Upanayana is very important. Fixing a suitable time for this ceremony is indeed highly difficult. This should be left to be done by an expert until the student has gained sufficient experience which could enable him to do the work independently.
In regard to marriage, the following suggestions may be carefully noted: -
(1) Do not begin the comparison of horoscopes without testing the correctness of the castings submitted.
(2) Examine the longevity of the bridegroom and the bride. If short life is indicated either for the bride or for the bridegroom do not recommend the match unless there are neutralising influences in either of the horoscopes.
(3) The 7th and 8th houses should be carefully examined. When there are many afflictions, carefully find out if there are neutralising influences also. Otherwise reject the match.
(4) The first condition is the inherent strength of the horoscope. Next in importance comes the question of examining marriage adaptability.
(5) A girl belonging to Rakshasa Gana should not be married to a boy belonging to Manusha of Deva Gana. The reverse condition is recommended.
(6) In examining Graha Maitra which is the sins qua non of marriage stability, consideration should be had not only to the Janma Rasis of the couple but to the Janma Navamsa also. When Graha Maitra does not exist according to Janma Rasi, then the latter must be considered. Under certain conditions (p. 91) even want of Graha Maitra can be ignored. All these have to be carefully looked into before pronouncing an opinion. The common Janma Nakshatra factor presents many difficulties for a beginner in astrology. The subtle distinctions bearing on this consideration should be carefully grasped. Then there is, the question of Ku]a Dosha about which much fuss is being made in this part of India. No horoscope should be rejected unless it has been examined from all astrological angles.
(7) If the girl and the boy have their 5th houses considerably afflicted, then marriage between them is not desirable. But much of the evil due to these radical dispositions can be ovecome by selecting a proper Muhurtha.
(8) *"In the beginning of your literary attempts in the astrological field do not be-over-confident or hasty in having properly understood the principles explained here. Refer your knowledge to some gentlemen who have much experience in these matters and whose opinions you ought to value and compare with your inferences and personal experiences".

* The Astrological Mirror by Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao

(9) In marriages, there should be no three or more Jyeshtas. The eldest son or daughter is called a Jyeshta. There is the lunar month of Jyeshta and the constellation of Jyeshta. Therefore the marriage of an eldest son or daughter should not be done in the constellation of Jyeshta and the lunar month of Jyeshta. Similarly if the bride and bridegroom happen to be Jyeshtas the marriage should not be celebrated either in the month of Jyeshta or in the constellation of Jyeshta.
(10) In fixing a Muhurtha for marriage, keep the 7th house clean, and 6th and 8th unoccupied by Venus and Mars respectively. Jupiter's presence in a kendra or trikona is very desirable.
(11) When birth data are not available. take the Nama Nakshatra (see Appendix) of the couple. The name of an individual's made up of letters or aksharas, by which is meant indestructible forms of sound vibrations, and when you consider a name, you are only measuring the energy content of the individual.
(12) Parents waste huge sums on Marriage Shows such as dinners, music, jewels and pandals but they are niggardly in paying proper remuneration to a deserving astrologer who could fix up a really auspicious moment. It astrological consultation is not to be a matter of formality but of serious importance, then the learned astrologer should be paid properly. A proper Muhurtha will ensure the future of the couple and anything expended towards this item is well spent. If without caring to consult an expert astrologer, the marriage is done and it proves a failure, then all the energy and finance spent would be a sheer waste. Hence it is very necessary that an expert astrologer is pressed into service.
General elections given in Chapter XIV comprehend very important human activity and as far as possible due attention must be paid to the astrological factors either in regard to going on a,journey or starting a business or for doing any important work. Auspicious times for day-to-day activities can be fixed by any amateur astrologer.
Astrology, in relation to house building is a very important subject, as it takes into account factors which the architect and the engineer generally ignore. Materials assembled for the construction of a building radiate different kinds of energies some good, some indifferent and some definitely harmful. Force of evil accruing from such sources can be tapped off by laying the foundation-stone and entering the new house at propitious moments. An amateur astrologer should not rake the responsibility of doing this job as it pre-supposes very intimate knowledge of Vastu Sastra.
In the matter of Travel or Yatra, Krittika, Bharani and the lunar days of Ashtami and Navami should be invariably avoided. Journeys are also prohibited towards different directions on different weekdays. There are exceptions for such rules in cases of emergency. In selecting a suitable day for travel, a good lunar day, a favourable constellation and a well-fortified Lagna merit one's foremost attention. For short journeys existence of Tarabala is enough. For going on pilgrimages or important errands, a very suitable day has to be fixed by taking due note of all the important astrological factors.
The medical elections are intended to ensure speedy recovery from illness. There is a striking correspondence between the lunar movements and crises in certain types of disease and this gives a clue as to why a suitable time should be secured to commence treatment for long-standing diseases and surgical operations. Generally Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday coinciding with Hasta, Aswini. China and Punarvasu respectively would be highly favourable to begin treatment for recurrent fevers and chronic diseases. The time becomes specially propilious if in addition to the above the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy their own vargas and a movable Rasi is ascending in Amsa.
Elections bearing on public matters are of dubious value in view of the current prejudicial official attitude entertained towards astrology. Vet, as in actual practice, astrologers are being consulted in private for official purposes, the rules bearing on elections pertaining to public affairs are bound to be of some value. It is hoped the day is not far off when astrology is given its due by the State and recognised as the science par excellence for the solution of national and international problems. This expectation on our part may induce a derisive laugh from "men of sobriety" whose habit of thinking is confined to a limited horizon. But we are bold enough to say that astrology when properly pressed into the service of the State would be far more useful in preventing national and international complications than all the paraphernalia now employed by the civilised Governments all over the world.

Concluding Remarks

Muhurtha is not the penance for all the ills afflicting a horoscope. Muhurtha or an auspicious moment can neutralise to a certain extent the afflictions existing in a birth chart as affecting the various events.
If marital harmony is completely absent in a birth chart, Muhurtha cannot confer on the native marital harmony. It reduces the sources of friction to a certain extent.
Of the different limbs of the panchanga, viz., tithi, vara, nakshatra, yoga and karana, the nakshatra is very important. If suppose for a marriage, the tithi is the 6th and the nakshatra is Sadhana, then the day can be selected. This is the view of sage Brihaspati and hence acceptable to the other sages. But even if other factors such as tithi, nakshatra. etc., are defective, a strong Lagna can neutralise such defects. This is the view of Narada and we concur with this view. But recourse should be had to this contingency only under special circumstances, e.g., when a Muhurtha is to be fixed, say for accommodating a bridegroom coming from a foreign country, who has to get back quickly.
According to Roua, Jupiter should be rendered strong for marriage; Venus for travel; Mercury for learning; Mars for war, fighting; the Sun for meeting with the rulers, government officers, etc., and the Moon in respect of all elections.
Abhijin Muhurtha (midday) could be fixed for all elections, in case a really auspicious time is not available. Add half duration of the day to sunrise and the Abhijin Muhurtha is obtained. Suppose sunrise is at 6:10 a.m. (IST) and sunset 6-45 p.m. The interval is 12 hours 30 minutes. Half this, viz., 6 hours 15 minutes added to time of sunrise, viz., 6:10 (IST) gives the Abhijin Muhurtha as 6 hours 10 minutes + 6 hours 15 minutes = 12 hours 25 minutes.
According to Sage Bharadwaja a fully flawless Muhurtha is unthinkable for years. Therefore, fix up an auspicious time, with less doshas and more gunas. Even sage Narada says: Avoiding heavy afflictions (mahadoshas), and considering the ordinary gunas and doshas, fix an auspicious time with more gunas. That moment proves auspicious.
And always see that Jupiter or Venus is in conjunction with the ascendant or at least in a kendra or the trine so that all doshas are rendered infructuous.
The sages appear to have taken a very liberal view of things especially in regard to marriage. For instance they say that if the boy and the girl like each other in their first meeting, that should also receive first consideration - (...) And when doubts arise between views of different astrologers about the agreement of horoscopes, we are asked to have recourse to nimitta (omens) and clinch the issue.
The outstanding exponent of astrology in 20th century was my revered grandfather the late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao, a great historian, savant, linguist and philosopher. Prof. Rao successfufly defended astrology against the attacks of ill-informed critlcs most of whom belonged to the so-called "educated" classes. I conclude this work with the following extract from the late Professor's The Astrological Mirror:
"To despise to hold a bright lamp in the darkness indicates stupidity, while to try to secure it at any cost and hold the same to shed light on our future path really shows consummate wisdom. Choose your own lot as you please, and either control the planets and stand a victor in the struggle for existence and comfort or yield to their evil influences without personal exertions on your part and be a miserable coward."

Miscellaneous Elections - Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII
Miscellaneous Elections

In the foregoing Chapters elections bearing upon almost all human activities have been clearly described. In this Chapter I propose to deal with a few more important ones bearing upon sports, law-suits, prisoners and war.

Lotteries and Competitions. - Success in lotteries and competitions generally depends upon the strength of the birth horoscope in regard to the house of finance and the nature of the directional influences at the time concerned. Therefore, much reliance cannot be placed on the strength of election in. regard to chance-games.
Aswini, Bharani, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitta, Visakha, Poorvashadha and Revati are excellent for entering into competitions. The 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th and 13th lunar days are good. All weekdays are suitable except Tuesday and Saturday. Let the Lagna belong to a benefic planet. Fortify the Moon and the 5th and the 9th houses. Avoid the 11th lord in the 12th and Mars in the 8th. Saturn should cast no aspect either on the 2nd house or on the 2nd lord.
Horse Races. - Here again the birth chart is important. Horses are said to be governed by Aswini. This constellation therefore is fortunate for purchasing and training horse for race purposes. Krittika, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Swati, Visakha, Anuradha and Dhanishta are also good. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are favourable. If you want to run a horse for a race, place Sagittarius in Lagna and strengthen the 10th house.
Filing Law-suits. - Avoid the usual unfavourable lunar days. Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Pushya, Uttara, Hasta, Chitta, Anuradha, Dhanishta and Revati are good. Tuesday and Saturday should be avoided. Strengthen the Lagna by placing Jupiter in a Trikona. Let there be no malefic in the 6th house. The lords of Lagna and the 6th should be as far apart as possible. The Lagna or at least the Navamsa must be Aries in order to assure success to the litigation. If benefics occupy kendras or occupying the male signs, have beneficial aspects, there will be peace between the parties.
Seeking Escaped Prisoners. - Saturday, Monday and Tuesday are favourable weekdays. Aswini, Rohini, Aridra, Aslesha, Pubba, Chitta, Visakha, Moola, Uttarashadha and Revati are auspicious. The Lagna must be in a movable sign aspected or occupied by Mercury or Moon. The 6th lord should occupy the 11th and be free from affliction. See that the Moon does not occupy the 12th in conjunction with any other planet. Make the Sun weak. If possible, let Rahu or Ketu be posited in Lagna. Parivarthana or exchange of house between lords of Lagna and the 7th is also desirable.
Buying Arms. - The most favourable constellations are Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitta, Rohini, Mrigasira, Visakha, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Revati and Aswini. Avoid Riktha Tithis the 4th. 9th and 14th lunar days. Sunday, Thursday and Friday are auspicious. Some works recommend Tuesday also as favourable. A martian sign must be rising, or culminating and Mars must be in a dignified position.
Starting Wars. - Several standard works on Muhurtha do not specially mention the constellations, etc., suitable for starting wars. Planetary combinations for the defeat of the enemy are given. However, by a reference to relevant literature on the subject, we have been able to gather the following information. War must be started on a day ruled by Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, Chitta, Jyeshta, Satabhisha and Revati. Of the lunar days except the 4th, 9th and 14th the rest are said to be fortunate. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are supposed to ensure victory.
In our humble view if Tuesday is selected Mars must be rendered strong.
The enemy is said to retreat in confusion if the war is begun in a Chara Lagna when the Moon occupies a fixed sign. The enemy is also said to retreat early if the Lagna is Aries, Leo, Taurus and Sagittarius. There should be no conjunction of or aspect between Mars and Saturn if great mortality and bloodshed are to be avoided. Mars should be elevated preferably if the 7th house or the meridian unaspected by any other malefic. The Lagna must, as usual, be strong.
Destroying Strongholds. - Let a fiery sign be rising with Mars posited in or aspecting Lagna. A strong-hold besieged under the influence of Aries is bound to fall early. Similarly, Sagittarius ascending with Mars in it would render the collapse of any stronghold inevitable.
Making Peace. - This is an important item in the lives of nations. Peace must be under a strong influence of Jupiter. The ascending sign and amsa must be either Pisces or Taurus or Virgo. Benefics should be strongly placed. Saturn must be either in the 12th or in Upachaya. There should be no conjunction between Mars and Rahu or Mars and Saturn or Rahu and Saturn. The signatories to the Peace Treaty must themselves have their horoscopes harmoniously disposed. The constellations of Mrigasira, Chitta, Dhanishta, Aridra, Swati, Satabhisha, Anuradha and Uttarabhadra should be avoided, as also the 4th. 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th lunar days and New and Full Moon days. Peace made under the following combinations is said to last for a long time: -
(1) The Moon should be in the 10th house, Jupiter in the 4th and Mars and Saturn in the 11th (Mars and Saturn should not be in conjunction).
(2) Jupiter should be in Lagna, Mercury in the 7th, Saturn in the 3rd, the Sun in the 6th and Venus in the 4th.
(3) Jupiter should be in the 5th from Lagna (which should be Taurus). Sun in the 3rd and Mars in the 6th.
(4) Mercury in Lagna, Jupiter in the 7th and the Moon in the 10th.
(5) Jupiter in Lagna (which should be a fixed sign). Mercury in the 7th and the Moon in the 10th.
Will our statesmen pay heed to the astrological counsel and try these simple astrological rules and rid the world of perpetual threat to Peace?
The conceit of modern progress has no more respect for ancient ideas then for the forgotten civilizations of old, even though in many essentials they have anticipated or outstripped all that we boast of.

Public Matters - Chapter XVI

In this Chapter is included information on various matters concerning public welfare. In the light of the present official attitude towards astrology, this Chapter cannot be of much practical importance. Yet as in several public functions in India astrological consultations are not altogether 6one away with but resorted to privately it is hoped that the principles given below would prove of value to those who are called upon to fix up suitable time for affairs of momentous importance to the public.

The astrological precepts on public affairs may be considered by ill-informed or half educated persons as ridiculous. But one who is a keen student of natural laws and who knows the importance of time and its manifestations cannot fail to notice that there is much sense underlying these precepts, for we are only asked to move in harmony with laws of nature. An intelligent man must question himself why, for instance a project launched at one hour proves fortunate investment, white another launched at a different hour proves most unluckly. Some ventures are doomed to failure from their very inception in spite of all the apparent favourable, circumstances. Consequently even those who make it a point to scoff at astrology cannot help speaking such as "illstarred affairs" although unaware of the meaning of this expression. Many nation-building activities have either proved abortive or resulted in failure simply because they were started in an unlucky moment.
Building and Launching Ships. - The constellations Jyeshta. Makha, Visakha, Aridra, Rohini, Bharani, Knttika and Aslesha should be avoided. The remaining ones are auspicious. Sunday, Thursday and Friday are good. Let the Lagna be a watery sign. Place the lord of Lagna in the 9th or 11th house. The lord of Janma Rasi should be in a watery sign. Avoid movable signs. Let there be no planet in 8th house. In building ships for war, strengthen the position of Mars; In building merchant and passenger ships, see that. Mercury is dignified or at least occupies an Upachaya sign free from affliction. Either Venus or Jupiter should be in a kendra or trikona. The conjunction of Mars and Moon and Mars and Lagna or Lagnadhipathi should be avoided.
Building Towns and Cities. - The foundation stone should be laid at an auspicious moment as per rules given in the Chapter on House Building. The best asterisms for laying the foundation for building a town are Aswini, Chitta and Revati. The Lagna must be a fixed sign powerful ly aspected by Jupiter. This gives durability and continuance. Place Mercury in an auspicious position. This makes the city grow into a big trading centre. Confine Saturn to an Upachaya. Mars should have no connection with the Lagna. Have the construction begun when the Moon is increasing in light? Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good. Movable signs should be avoided. Benefic planets should be in Lagna, the 2nd and the 9th houses. Malefics should be in 3rd and 11th houses. The 8th should be vacant as also the 12th. But a benefic in the 12th is permissible.
Building Military Quarters. - The constellation of Uttarabhadra is the best for beginning the construction of military quarters or barracks.
Dairy Farms. - Let Taurus or Cancer be the rising sign. Aswini, Punarvasu, Pushya. dasta, Swati, Sravana, Dhanishta and Satabhisha are the best Nakshatras. The presence of the Moon in Lagna augurs prosperity. Monday is the best weekday.
Electing head of the State. - The best constellations areAswinr. Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya. Uttara, Hasta, Anuradha. Uttarashadha, Sravana. Uttarabhadra and Revati. All odd lunar days (in the bright half) except the 9th are good. The 2nd and 10th lunar days are also favourable. The rising sign must be Aries. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Pisces.
Strengthen the Sun and the Moon. Fortify the Lagna and the 10th and their lords. Let the 8th house be vacant. Confine malefics to Upachayas. If possible, the Sun and the Moon should be placed in Cancer or Leo preferably subject to the aspect of Jupiter. As usual, the Tarabala, Chandrabala, Panchaka, etc., should be carefully looked into.
Coronation. - The foregoing rules apply to coronation also. If possible, let Lagna be Leo occupied by the Sun and aspected by Jupiter. In case of democratic rule, the new Government may begin at a time when Kumbha is rising with Saturn in Lagna or in Thula aspected in either case by Jupiter or Venus.
Installing a Deity. - Building temples and installing deities involve the consideration of very important astrological principies which an average student of astrology will be unable to understand thoroughly. Therefore, selection of an auspicious moment for such purposes may well be left to a specialist. There are complicated astronomical, astrological and religious rules given in original Works and the reader Will do well to refer to such works as Brihat Samhits, Kalamrita. etc., for greater details. Here I shall give just a few salient principles.
The installation of a deity should be done when the Sun is in the Northern course. The lunar month of Magha should be avoided. According to Kalaprakasika, the ceremony is to be done when Jupiter and Venus are dignified and devoid of adverse influences.
Rohini, Mrigasira. Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttara, Hasta, Swati, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra are good constellations for this purpose. All odd lunar days (except the 9th) including the 2nd, 6th and 10th are favourable. The Lagna must be a fixed sign. A common sign may be selected for a female Deity. Movable signs should always be rejected. The Lagna should not be conjoined by the luminaries or malefics or otherwise the town concerned will be destroyed. No malefic should occupy the 7th. There should be no planet in the 8th. The ceremony should be avoided at the end of an Ayana, the end of a year, of a lunar day and of an asterism; and on days on which halos round the Sun and the Moon are visible.

Travel - Chapter XIV


Human nature varies from the highest genius to the greatest ignorance. Phenomena occur in nature whether we notice them or not. Dr. Johnson is said to have observed: "Let observation with extensive view survey mankind from China to Peru" Observing, reflective and thoughtful minds notice various
phenomena, in their daily transactions of life which apparently seem to have no immediate connection with the failures and successes they meet with. But when carefully analysed it will be found that there is some sort of correlation between certain invisible agencies and events on the earth. But the true causes are intelligible to the ordinary minds. Suppose a man starts on an errand at an inauspicious time and fails in his mission, the planets are not to blame. They are only an index of events to happen. They merely reveal that influences operating when the man started on his mission were such as to give rise to failure. That the influence of time is not even or uniform needs no great explanation.
It must be within the experience of an intelligent man that solar heat and light differ at different times due to motion of the Sun. This is demonstrable to the ordinary senses. But there are invisible influences and agenices which can only be grasped by higher orders of intelligence. The ancient sages had been able to recognise these influences and how journeys undertaken at different times of year, month and day, would produce different kinds of results.
In the modern times, travel facilities have no doubt been perfected; and so far as human conceptions go, the traveller is provided with every possible facility. But because the rules of astrology are ignored, there have been serious accidents and appaling loss of life. Man is incessantly subject to the bombardment of different kinds of forces emanating from planets and the interstellar spaces. The nature of the force operating at any given moment depends upon the nature of the disposition of the different planets at the moment concerned. Hence it can safely be pointed out that a journey undertaken at a propitious moment would enable the person to consummate the object in view and get back safely to his home. Instance of loss of life, loss of money, and distress and disappointments to the traveller, because the journey was undertaken when the planetary vibrations were inharmonious, can be cited ad infinitum.
A man wants to go to a foreign country on urgent business. Here he must have financial success, good health, and a safe trip. We shall grant for argument's sake that at the time of starting, he is hale and healthy, has plenty of money and the travel agents have arranged for him the best conveyance. Naturally he may laugh at the idea that he should ever consult a good time for beginning his trip, when everything else is so very satisfactory.
The poor man must remember that the world's phenomena, physical and mental, are correlated and that the links between apparently two different and widely separated events, though invisible, are still present in the bargain and one who overlooks the currents of luck really omits important factors which may do him immense harm when he is least prepared to meet it. The laws of Nature, some visible and many invisible, are not controlled by the latest inventions or discoveries in the physical plane alone. The late Mr. Stead and 3000 men sailed on a ship that was constructed on the best scientific principles but an iceberg destroyed this Titanica with all the unlucky passengers in an hour or two. Lord Kitchner and his 600 officers were embarked on a splendid Man of War but at an unlucky hour and the whole crew were drowned within five minutes. We read in the daily press about the frequent occurrence of aerial, railway and automobile accidents resulting in the deaths of hundreds of innocent men, women and children. Many accidents can be prevented if due attention is paid to the time-factor. The most enlightened nations and persons have suffered the greatest calamities by sheer pride and prejudice and neglect of knowledge recorded by the intellectual gaints of past generations.
The ancients seem to have made a careful study of the subject of travel for various purposes and have framed sound astrological rules for the guidance of humanity. There is a vast literature extant on this subject. As usual, there has also been some difference of opinion between some of the standard texts. I have avoided all that is superficial and have confined myself to an elucidation of just the essential astrological principles governing travel or yatra.
Journeys. - The best lunar days are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 13th. The 14th lunar day and Full and New Moon days should be avoided at any cost.
If a journey is undertaken in the following constellations, the person is supposed to return back early after satisfactorily completing his work: Mrigasira, Aswini, Pushya, Punarvasu, Hasta, Anuradha, Sravana, Moola, Dhanishta and Revati. It is better that the journey is commenced in the 2nd, 3rd or last quarter of the constellation. The first quarter may be avoided as far as possible.
No journey should be undertaken on days ruled by Krittika, Bharani. Aslesha. Visakha, Pubba, Poorvabhadra and Aridra. Of these, the following nakshatras may be deemed fit for travelling beyond the spheres of evil influence: - Krittika - 13 ghatis; Bharani - 7; Makha - 14; Pubba, Poorvashadha and Poorvabhadra - 16; Swati, Aslesha and Visakha - 14. In our humble experience, it is found that Bharani and Krittika should always be avoided while the other stars given in this paragraph, journeys can be undertaken in.
We have to emphasise that Bharani and Krittika should be invariably rejected.
Do not travel towards the East on Saturday and Monday; towards South on Thursday; towards West on Sunday and Friday and towards North on Wednesday and Tuesday. Provided the journey is timed to begin beyond 22 ghatis on Thursday, 12 ghatis on Tuesday and Wednesday; 15 ghatis on Friday and Sunday, 8 ghatis on Saturday and Monday, the above restriction does not hold good. In our view, Tuesday must preferably be avoided.
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius are favourable signs for starting on a journey.
Rising sign at the time of journey being one's Janma Rasi is highly favoured. But it should never be the sign of one's Janma Lagna. Journey should not also be undertaken when the Lagna is the 5th, 7th or the 9th from one's Janma Lagna.
Let Jupiter or Venus be well placed in Lagna at the time of starting. This makes the journey successful.
Ancient texts contain several other rules prohibiting journeys towards different directions when different constellations rule. There is then the question,of Yogini. Chandra Garbha, Yatraphani Chakra, etc., a consideration of all of which would only lead to confusion. It is indeed very difficult to select a day thoroughly favourable in respect of all factors.
Therefore, readers would do well to restrict the choice of a day to considerations already set forth above. It must be noted that strict adherence to the astrological rules is impossible at times of emergency. Supposing a friend or relative is seriously ill and he is to be visited. There is no question of finding an auspicious date and time. The best thing to do is to begin the journey at the most auspicious hora of the day. If one is to go on a pilgrimage or on a pleasure trip or on business, arrangements for Which could be made in advance, a day conforming to all astrological considerations should be fixed. The most essential factors to be remembered in selecting a suitable day for travel are (a) a good lunar day, (b) a favourable constellation, (c) a well-fortified Lagna and (d) the absence of Panchaka Dosha. If these are properly observed, that means alt astrological precautions will have been taken.
The following general combinations would be of utmost importance to the average person: -
(1) let the Moon be strong and dignified at the time of starting.
(2) Avoid days of vernal and autumnal equinox and the days on which the Sun enters a new sign every month.
(3) The Moon should be in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th and Jupiter in a kendra from Lagna.
(4) Start when the Moon is in Lagna fortified by the disposition of Jupiter or Venus in a kendra.
(5) Jupiter strong in Lagna and the Moon in any place other than the 8th would be a strong combination.
(6) The journey will be easy and peaceful if the Moon be in the 7th and Venus and Mercury be in the 4th.
(7) Mercury in the 4th, Jupiter in the 2nd or 7th will neutralise all the other adverse influences.
(8) Benefics dignified in kendras of trikonas act as powerful antidotes for all evils.
(9) Jupiter in Lagna, malefics in Upachayas and Venus in any house other than the 7th would be an ideal combinations.
Short Journeys. - Render the Lagna and the Moon strong. If these two conditions cannot be fulfilled, start in the hora of the strongest planet keeping in view the Tarabala and Chandrabala factors.
Long-distance Journeys. - All the rules given in the earlier pages of this Chapter are to be observed. Let the Moon be increasing and in a favourable situation so that there might be no delay or hindrance. Pay special attention to the eighth house and see that Mars is not there. Choose a day and time in which the Yatra Lagna agrees with the Janma Rasi. Avoid malefics in the 7th. If the journey is by car or train, avoid affliction to Lagna and the 8th lord by Mars and Rahu. If the Lagna is afflicted by Mars, there will be danger of accidents; if by Rahu, there will be disappointment and disease.
Pilgrimage. - Follow the rules in the earlier pages of this Chapter. Let Jupiter be in Lagna or the 9th house. Avoid the months when Jupiter is combust.
Air Journeys. - Take due note of Tarabala. Let the Lagna be an aerial sign. Avoid Mars in Lagna, the 7th and the 8th. Let the Moon be waxing and as far away from Rahu as possible. Render the ascendant strong by a suitable disposition of Jupiter.
Sea Voyage. - Pay special attention to watery signs. Let preferably Cancer be the Lagna occupied by a watery planet. As usual, avoid Mars in Lagna, the 7th or 8th house. Venus should be favourably placed.
Business Journeys. - If you are to meet an influential person, let the rising sign fall in the 10th house in birth chart. Avoid malefics in Lagna and the 9th. Mercury is the planet of trade and business. He should therefore be either in Lagna or in the 10th or 11th but he should not be aspected by a malefic especially Saturn. Mercury in retrograde is also favourable as he will hasten the transaction to your satisfaction. Prosperity and success follow the Moon in good aspect to Mercury. If the Moon is in 8th or 12th house, the person falls ill on the way. Hence see that the Moon is in favourable position. See also that the 2nd lord is not afflicted and that he is favourably situated. In all these cases, mutual aspects between Mars, Saturn and Rahu should be invariably avoided as they indicate hitches and insurmountable obstacles.

Medical Elections - Chapter XV

The influences of the planets on human diseases appear with such persistence in the writings of the ancients that it is impossible to ignore their testimony in any orderly survey of the subject. While it is doubtless true that some of these references rest upon a basis of common superstition only; it is impossible to deny that many others appear to be founded upon careful observation and recorded experience.
The tithi and nakshatra, which are so important in Muhurtha, are based on the luni-solar
movements. In the realm of astrology, the Moon is the sensorium, transmitter and collector of other planetary influences. In fact, seasonal changes, climate, electrical storms and our emotional behaviour are obviously correlated with the phases of the Sun and the Moon. Crises in acute diseases are marked by the transiting Moon which is the minute hand on the clock of destiny. The most serious crisis day in acute diseases is on the 14th day when the Moon is in opposition to his place when the disease started. When the Moon occupies certain positions, he disturbs the equalibrium of the patient's vitality so much so that medicine administered on such days would not prove efficacious. Hence the need for electing a proper time for undertaking medical and surgical treatments.
Medical astrology is a vast science and it is impossible to treat in this volume all the available information on the subject. Therefore I am giving such hints as would be absolutely necessary in the daily life of an average person.
Beginning Treatment. - If one is suffering from a chronic disease, the treatment should begin under Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira. Punarvasu, Pushyami, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, and Revati. In respect of ordinary complaints such as fever, biliousness, etc., no treatment would be necessary unless the person has fallen ill in Pubba, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra, Aslesha, Jyeshta, Aridra and Swati. Treatment is absolutely necessary when one takes to bed-under the following combinations, viz.: -
(a} Sunday coinciding with the 4th lunar day ruled by Aridra, Aslesha or Makha.
(b) Tuesday coinciding with the 9th lunar day ruled by Jyeshta, Swati, or Bharani, and
(c) Saturday coinciding with the: 14th lunar day ruled by Pubba, Poorvashadha and. Poorvabhadra.
Similarly, an illness that sets in under one's Janma Nakshatra or the 3rd, 5th and 7tb therefrom will cause much distress.
In regard to long-standing diseases or recurrent fevers, the best time for taking medicine is Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, coinciding with Hasta, Aswini, Chitta and Punarvasu respectively and especially at the time when the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy their own vargas and a moveable Rasi or Amsa is rising. -
Persons suffering from Typhoid or enteric should begin treatment on a Sunday coinciding with the 4th, 9th or 14th lunar day not ruled respectively by Aridra, Bharani and Visakha.
Any treatment commenced under Ugra yogas are supposed to prove successful. Ugra yogas arise when the 3rd (or 9th), 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th (or 3rd) and 13th lunar days coincide respectively with Rohini, Uttara, Sravana, Mrigasira. Revats, Krittika, Pushva, Anuradha. Krittika (or Makha).
Treatment for Venereal Disease. - Select a time when Aries or Cancer is rising on a New Moon day ruled by Kshipram. Ugram and Chara constellations.
Treatment for Rheumatisms - The 3rd, 8th and 13th lunar days are good. Select Thursday ruled by Aslesha or Aswini.
Treatment for Gonorrhoea. - Wednesday is the best. Let the lunar day be the 4th, 9th or 14th ruled by Kshipra, Ugra or Chara constellations.
Treatment for Leprosy. - The rising sign should be Kumbha, Makara, Mesha, Simha or Vrischika. Place a powerful malefic in the 8th house. Select (a) Tuesday coinciding with Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanishta, (b) Saturday ruled by Pushya. Anuradha and Uttarabhadra, and (c) Sunday coinciding with Krittika, Uttara and Uttarashadha. The lunar day must be the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th or the 14th.
Treatment for Epilepsy. - Let the Lagna be a common sign or a moveable sign occupied by the Sun and the Moon. Fixed signs should be avoided.
Treatment for Consumption. - The lunar day must be free from Vishtikarana. The ruling constellation must belong to the Sadharana group and the Moon must be aspected by a retrograde planet.
Treatment for Ascites. - Tuesday is the best. The constellation must be Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Visakha, Makha or Jyeshta.
Taking Purgative. - Purgatives may be taken on the 2nd, 6th or 12th lunar day. Any weekday (except Tuesday) may be chosen provided the ruling constellation be Punarvasu, Revati, Swati or Aridra. Afternoon must be avoided.
Taking Enemas. - Select either Saturday or Tuesday and avoid malefic planets in the 7th and 8th houses.
Dental Treatment. - The Ugra yoga above referred to is quite suitable for dental treatment also. See that the Moon is not afflicted and that Chandrashtama is also avoided.
Taking Infections. - Injections may be taken on Saturday or Monday. Aries, Taurus. Cancer and Virgo are auspicious. The 8th house must be unoccupied. See that Mercury'is free from affliction; as otherwise the pain wilt be severe and nervous weakness may set in.
Surgical Operations. - When possible, operate in the period of the intrease of the Moon. Never operate at the exact time of the Full Moon as the bodily fluids are running highest then. Let not the Moon at the time of the operation be in the same sign as at birth. No Operation should be done on the part of the body ruled by the sign through which the Moon is transiting at that time but wait a day or more until the Moon passes into the next sign below, and especially, if the Moon be in conjunction, or evil aspect to malefics at the time.
For surgical operations Tuesday or Saturday is recommended. Mars must be powerful. The 8th house should be unoccupied. And the ruling constellation is Aridra, Jyeshta. Aslesha or Moola coinciding with the 4th, 9th or 14th lunar day. It is very necessary to strengthen the house ruling the part of the body to be operated upon. This if the stomach is to be operated upon, the time selected should be such as to render the 5th house strong by benefic aspects. Mutual aspects between Mars and Saturn should be avoided.
Treatment for the Nose. - The ascendant must be Cancer, Leo of Virgo. The Moon must be free from affliction. Avoid Mars or for that matter any malefic in the 8th. The Sun should be unaspected by Saturn or Rahu.
To Prepare Medicines. - Preparation of medicines should be commenced when the Lagna is Chara or Dwiswabhava. Fixed signs should be invariably rejected. The 6th, 7th and 8th houses should be unoccupied. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good. Auspicious lunar days are the 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 14th.
Any panacea prepared when Saturn, Mars and the Sun are in Lagna or in a kendra from Lagna, is said to become an effective remedy for all diseases.
Taking First Bath after illness. - When one has completely recovered from an illness of long duration the first bath should be given on a day ruled by Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Mrigasira, Aridra, Pushya. Pubba, Hasta, Chitta, Visakha, Moola, Poorvashadha and Poorvabhadra. There must be Tarabala also. Chandrashtamas should be avoided. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are good. The 4th, 8th, 9th, 14th and New Moon days should be avoided.

Agriculture and Farming - Chapter XIII

The influence of planets on vegetation is an admitted fact. Frequent references appear in the writings of ancients and their knowledge gathered from observation and intuition is of inestimable value-to us.
It may be, the ancients realised that all manifestations of energy on earth of which we have knowledge are but the emanations ot the cosmic rays. In fact according to Georges Lakhovsky "the concentration of matter and the appearance of life, both animate and inanimate, are but manifestation of these rays". Evidently the electro-magnetic forces radiated by tire different planetary and stellar bodies have an intimate bearing on the origin and development of vegetable life. Solomon wrote: "There is a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill and a time to heal". This is a sound astrological maxim.
Minerals, vegetables and animals form the worldly phenomena and this is admitted even by the most orthodox scientist. The interdependence of these three upon one another is too well known to need any elaboration. Behind these three grand kingdoms of nature, are the agencies sent out by the solar globe. Under the solar agencies of sunlight, heat, sound, magnetism, electricity and other invisible agencies which are not yet discovered by the modern scientist but which were known to the ancient Maharishis, minerals grow, expand and crumble down. In their various states these minerals help the construction, growth, expansion and destruction of vegetables. Life pervades throughout the whole universe in some form or other, and all phenomena have life in them. Life as we conceive in men may be different from that found among the numberless animals, and then again among the countless varieties in the vegetable kingdom. Vegetables are produced by the minerals. Life functions are exhibited by all vegetation and every student of botany knows perfectly well that similarities exist between vegetable and animal functions-physiological, embryological, etc. Pushing on our natural law and analogy further the life having vegetables cannot be the products of Lifeless minerals. If evolution is a principle and theory recognised by experience then the life in the minerals will be in a particular stage, and with its environments and working under the great solar agencies of light, heat, sound, etc., it develops itself into a stage where it will be fitted to enter into the higher forms of existence among the various species of vegetables. Among the Ayurvedic texts, all the metals are said to have life and in converting them into powders (Bhasmas) there are great santhis or remedies prescribed which are considered to be effective in removing the sin which a doctor gets by killing and burning a Loha or metal. Thus it is clear that minerals beget vegetables and both are the product of solar energies manifesting themselves in a particular form. Spectrum analysis of light reveals that ultra-violet and infra-red rays mark the two ends of the spectral band. If a particular culture of bacteria is brought near the spectrum band, then such bacteria are found to collect near the red rays suggesting that the bacteria have a greater affinity towards the red rays. Similarly each kind of vegetable has an attraction for a particular type of planetary rays.
There is a direct and tangible connection between the planets and the vegetables. Constellations are bundles of electro-magnetic forces and their influences on crops are an admitted fact. Crops of various descriptions should be sown and reaped in certain constellations.
Cato (234-149 B.C.) gives us full assurance that "timber is felled most advantageously when the Moon is in conjuction with the Sun" and that "fig, apple, olive, and pen trees, as well as vines, should be planted in the dark of the Moon in the afternoon when there is no south wind blowing".
Plutarch (46-120 A.D.), in his commentary on Hesiod, asserts that the onion plant grows green and throws forth shoots during the waning Moon and dries up when the Moon is increasing.
The famous French Astronomer Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) testifies as follows: "Cucumbers increase at Full Moon, as well as radishes, turnips, leeks, lilies, horse radish, saffron". Herbs gathered while the Moon increases are of great efficacy. Varahamihira, the great astronomer and astrologer of the 1st century B.C., has made a very good study of vegetable astrology, and his observations deserve our careful attention.
Before dealing with the various Muhurthas for sowing seeds, grafting, planting, etc., I may casually refer to certain combinations of planets which denote, in ft general manner, the nature of the different crops in the comming seasons.
If at the time when the Sun enters Scorpio, benefic planets should occupy the said sign, or the 4th, 7th or 10th from it, the Greeshma or summer crops will thrive well. The same result may be predicted, if Jupiter is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Leo. Summer crops will be good if at the time of Sun's entry into Scorpio, Venus or Mercury or both should occupy either Dhanus or Thula. If there are malefic planets on both sides crops will be injured. If a malefic occupies the 7th house at the time of Sun's entry into Scorpio, crops will suffer blight. If such 7th house is aspected by benches, crops will no doubt be injured but they will not be totally destroyed.
Crops which grow in autumn will strive well or will be destroyed according as the planetary dispositions are good or bad at the time of Sun's entry into Taurus.
Buying Land for Agriculture. - Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are good. Let the Moon be waxing and Mars be in the 4th house. As usual, avoid the Riktha tithis. The best asterisms are: Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Uttara, Sravana, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra, Vishitikarana may also be avoided. If due to any unavoidable circumstances, it is not possible to be present at the land to gain possession at the auspicious moment selected, then pick up and carry away a handful of earth, from that land when Cancer is rising and the last pada of Bharani, Aridra or Visakha is ruling.
Ploughing the Land. - The soil should be tilled on days ruled by benefic planets. Generally, the sign Leo, or the sign occupied by the Sun or the constellation governed by him is favourable. The benefic stars are Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttara, Hasta, Anuradha, Moola, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra.
All lunar days except the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th and New Moon days are good. At the time of ploughing, let Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn or Pisces be rising. Avoid Scorpio and Aquarius, if the rising sign is Mesha, it proves fatal to the cattle; if it is Scorpio, then crops will be destroyed by fire. If Aquarius, there is fear from thieves. See that the Lagna is free from malefic association. It is better that the bright half of the lunar month is selected.
On the first day start ploughing eastward or northward.
Sowing and Planting. - Any seeds can be sown on a day ruled by Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Makha, Pushyami, Uttara, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Rohini, Revati, Aswini, Moola or Anuradha provided the lunar day is also propitious. Choose a Lagna, owned by the planet who is lord of the weekday in question. Beets and carrots may be sown when the Moon is in Sagittarius. Potatoes and other underground vegetables should be sown when the rising sign is an aquatic one. On Thursdays fruit trees may be planted when Sagittarius and Pisces are rising. Flower seeds and cuttings may be sown in Taurus and Libra. Ragi, gingelli and all grains of black colour may be advantageously sown in Capricorn and Aquarius.
Always choose a Lagna owned by the planet who is lord of the weekday in question. Tomato maybe planted while the Moon is waxing and is in the sign of Cancer. Capricorn rising is not favourable. For the best results the Moon should be waxing and the rising sign at the time of planting should be Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Generally speaking, seeds planted while the Lagna is Cancer tend towards abundance and fruitfulness. When the Lagna is Thula the yield will be smaller and the tendency is toward larger size in both fruit and flower. Aries: Garlic may be planted with success. Taurus: Peach, plum. potatoes, radishes, onion sets and turnips. Gemini: Not favourable for any planting being a barren sign. Cancer: Beans, cabbage, corn, cucumber, lettuce, melons, pumpkins, tomatoes, cauliflower, water-melons, and cereals. Leo: Not good for any planting, especially bad for underground plants such as potato. Virgo: Flowering plants. Libra: Wheat, rye, barley, rice and other field crops. Scorpio: Garlic and onion seeds. Sagittarius: Pepper and other spring crops and garlic. Capricorn: Potato, radishes and turnips. Aquarius: All black cereals and grains. Pisces: Cucumbers, pumpkins, radishes, water-melons and carrots.
All odd lunar days except the 9th are good. All even tithis except the 2nd and 4th should be avoided.
Seeds of flower plants, and fruit-bearing creepers should be sown in the asterisms of Mriyusira, Punarvasu, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Anuradha and Revati. Solarium indicum grows under Bharani. Aswini is favourable for betal-nuts. Rohini is good for trees. Sugarcane grows welt under Punarvasu. All varieties of grain thrive well under Pushya; Swati and Sravana favour paddy. Anuradha rules sesamum; Moola is favourable for creepers and roots and black grain crops thrive well under Satabhisha.
Seedlings of coconuts may be planted in Aquarius. The following extract is from an ancient work on Muhurtha:
"Paddy should be sown on Sunday when the Sun is in Lagna; seeds of flower plants (aquatic) should be sown on Thursday when Jupiter is in Lagna. Seedlings of flower sown on Tuesday when Mars is in Lagna; Palmyra seedlings should be planted on Wednesday when Mercury is in Lagna. Seedlings of long-lived fruit trees should be planted on Thursday when Jupiter is in Lagna. Seedlings of flower trees should be planted on Friday when Venus is in Lagna. Seeds of black grains should be sown on Saturday noon when Saturn is in Lagna. While beginning all agricultural operations, see that the 8th house is unoccupied".
Grafting and Pruning. - Saturn should be favourably placed preferably in the 6th or 11th house. Strengthen the Lagna by placing a benefic in a kendra and by rendering the 8th house vacant. Avoid Tuesdays and Riktha tithis. In all agricultural operations, the position of the Moon is very important. See - hat the Moon is strong and free from affliction by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn. The Moon should be a benefic.
Felling Trees. - Trees should be cut when the Moon is in the last quarter so that the wood may be strong, massive and durable. The Lagna must be a dry sign aspected preferably by a dry planet.
Reaping the Crop. - Bharani, Rohini, Mrigasira, Aridra, Pushyami, Makha, Uttara, Hasta, Visakha, Anuradha, Uttarashadha and Sravana are favourable constellations to start reaping the crop. Avoid 4th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th and 14th lunar days as also the New Moon. Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces should be rising.
Harvesting. - This can be commenced in Pisces Lagna on a day ruled by Bharani; Scorpio on a day ruled by Sravana; Cancer under Visakha. These pairs form special combinations and promote prosperity.
In-Gathering of Corn. - After the harvest is over. the produce has to be gathered in. This can be advantageously done under the constellations of Bharani, Rohini, Mrigasira, Pubba, Aridra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Makha, Uttdra, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Sravana and Revati.
Saturn may be located in the 4th house. All lunar days except the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th and New Moon are auspicious. Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are good. The Amsas of Moon, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are also auspicious. Tuesdays and Sundays should be avoided. Movable signs must be rejected as they tend to destroy the grain by pests or decomposing.
Taurus rising on days ruled by Makha and Uttara respectively in the lunar months of Magha and Phalguna goes under the distinction of Dhanya Parvatha Yoga. Grain collected under this combination is supposed to confer happiness and prosperity to the person concerned.
Buying or Selling Cows. - Buying 6r selling of cows or cattle can be done under the constellations of Aswini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Visakha, Jyeshta and Revati. Let preferably Taurus be rising. Avoid Mars in the 8th house.
Buying or Selling Horses. - Let the Moon and the lord of Lagna be friendly. Avoid their Dwirdwadasa rotations. It is better that the transaction is done when Sagittarius is rising. Let the lagna be an airy sign if you wish to buy a race horse.
Buying Sheep. - Let the Lagna be Aries. Avoid Saturn in the 8th house. Let Aries or Capricorn be rising at the time of the transaction.
The Lagna and the 6th house should be strong when buying dogs or hounds. Birds should be purchased when the Lagna is an airy sign.
Any animal may be purchased on a Thursday ruled by Pushya When the Lagna is Aries. No animal should be sold on days ruled by Krittika, Aridra, Makha, Aslesha, Swati and Anuradha.
Intelligent, use of knowledge concerning planting, harvesting, breeding, etc., will bring satisfactory results. Disregard of these astrological principles is no excuse for failure.

Elections Pertaining to Education - Chapter XI

According to ancient sages Vidya or Education comprises the study of the Vedas, Vedangas, Mimamsa, Dharmasastras, Medicine, Music, Political Sciences and Economic subjects. Elaborate treatises exist on all these subjects. In order to get proficiency in the different branches of knowledge, education should be commenced under auspicious planetary influences. Each subject in which mastery is desired calls for concentration-to be applied in a particular form with a view to tapping the intellectual resources of the particular type-latent in the brain cells. Astrological consultation is held to facilitate such concentration as the moment selected for commencing the study of a particular subject is supposed to tune the mental currents to be in harmony with the natural forces.
The most beneficial constellations for commencing education are Mrigasira, Aridra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitta, Swat}, Sravana, Dhanishta and Satabhisha. Aswini is held by some writers to be one of the best. Rohini, Uttara, Uttarashadha and Revati are neutral. The remaining ones are to be rejected.
Tuesday and Saturday should invariably be avoided. Sunday can be considered permissible if other atrological conditions are satisfactory. The following lunar - days are auspicious: - 1st (of dark half), 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th. The 4th, 8th, 9th, 14th and New and Full Moon days should be avoided.
The Lagna should not be a fixed sign. Common signs are the best and the movable ones ordinary.
In commencing education - be it of any type - one should have regard to two important Yogas given below: -
Saraswati Yoga -
(a) Wednesday coinciding with Hasta, the rising sign at the time being Gemini or Virgo with the Sun, Moon and Mercery occupying the Amsa of Mercury.
(b) Wednesday at sunrise when Mercury is in deep exaltation.
(c) Wednesday, when Mercury is in Lagna and occupies the 3rd quarter of Hasta.
(d) Jupiter in deep exaltation in Lagna on days other than Saturday and Sunday.
Vidya Yoga -
(a) Friday when Pisces is rising and Venus occupies the 27th degree of the same sign.
(b) Jupiter in deep exaltation and Cancer rising on Thursday.
(c) The day and constellation being propitious, the Sun must be placed in his own Hora.
If education were to progress satisfactorily, one must have due regard to the following considerations also.
The forenoon and the noon are the best. Malefics should be disposed in die 3rd, 6th and 11th houses. The 8th house should be clean and unoccupied by benefic or malefic planets. For starting education, Wednesday morning would be the befit provided the election chart is otherwise well disposed and strong.
Learning Vedas and Sasrras. - Pushyami, Dhanishta and Sravana are auspicious ones. Let Jupiter be as strong as possible.
Learning Astrology and Astronomy. - Aswini, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Hasta, Swati, Moola and Revati are good.
Learning Grammar. Logic and Philosophy. - Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Dhanishta and Revati are favourable constellations for learning Grammar while for the other subjects Sravana, Satabhisha, Hasta, Uttara, Moola and Revati are good. The intellectual planet Mercury should be fortified as usual.
Learning Medicine. - Dhanishta is the best constellation not only for beginning the study of medicine but also for learning the use of firearms. An affliction to Mars by Saturn should be avoided. Let the rising sign or Navamsa be that of Mars or the Sun.
To Learn Music and Dancing. - Let Venus be as strongly placed as possible avoiding affliction by Rahu or Saturn, as this is said to lead to an immoral career. Hasta, Pushyami, Dhanishta, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Revati, Satabhisha, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra are the best. Harmonious aspects should exist between Jupiter and Venus. Place the lord of Lagna in the 5th or 9th and see that these two houses are free from affliction. Mercury-Venus conjunction in Lagna would be highly propitious.
Learning any Science. - The Study of any science can be commenced either in a Saraswati Yoga or in a Vidya Yoga under any of the special combinations mentioned above.
Learning a Trade. - The planet ruling the avocation should be well disposed in regard to the ascendant and free from affliction. The following are the occupations governed by the different planets.
The SUN denotes kings, members of political department, ministers, magistrates, lawyers and civil servants. The Sun favourably situated in relation to the 10th house bestows professions of the above nature. The MOON rules over nurses, midwives, jewellers, dealers in pearls and precious metals, and also governmental activities. MARS produces soldiers, warriors, carpenters, mechanics, surveyors, chemists, bankers, commanders, insurance agents, and butchers. MERCURY gives rise to preceptors or school masters, mathematicians, authors, printers, secretaries, book-sellers, accountants and insurance agents. JUPITER makes one a priest, a lawyer, a councillor, judge, scholar and a public man. VENUS produces artistes, musicians, actors, perfumers, jewellers, winesellers and solicitors with a keen intellect. SATURN governs different kinds of professions involving responsibility and subordination, mill hands, compositors, hawkers, factory workers, scavengers and manual workers in general.
The planet in question may also occupy the 10th house aspected by benefics. Tuesday must be avoided for learning any trade.

House Building - Chapter XII

The instinct to possess a house is to be found not only in man, the acme of creation, but throughout the animal kingdom. The cells of bee's honey-comb are models of economy and mathematical skill while the ant-hills are noted for their strength. Man cannot be an exception to this primary instinct. Unfortunately, man, due to pride and arrogance, fails to give the thought and attention due to astrological factors which are as important as the selection of a site or planning of the building.

In Sanskrit, house-building goes under the name of Vastu Shastra and a lot of useful literature composed by great sages are extant on this most important subject. It must be within the experience of a number of persons that in spite of the best engineering skill displayed in the construction of a house, it would sometimes be lacking what is usually termed the 'charm' with the result the builder does not feel really happy at all. In India at least mere external appearance, however attractive. does not give the owner the mental satisfaction that a man of slender means enjoys when the house is built in confofmity wrth astrological canons. So strong is the sentiment that even the most educated and "cultured" modern man would not afford to take risks in laying the foundation-stone or fixing the door-frame or entering the house without reference to astrological factors.
A house may look grand and attractive on the outside, may command and may possess all the anpurtenances according to sanitary principles. Here the external factors, which we shall term the morphology of a house, are intact. But what about the internal or psychological factors involved? Every object in nature has the power of radiating cosmic force in some form or other. The materials collected for building a structure and the commencement of the structure itself involve the influx and interaction of a series of such invisible forces that the time selected should be capable of exerting forces harmonious to such invisible radiations. The ancient Maharshis had realised the importance of the interplay of such forces between objects in nature and man, though, in recent times, it has fallen to the lot of a Russian scientist and engineer, Georges Lakhovsky, to demonstrate its reality.
All objects in nature, whether mineral, vegetable or animal, are produced and destroyed under the influence of the solar ray and its various modifications. Many of the great buildings, intended for the use of an individual, community or a nation, have caused ruin to the parties concerned. It cannot be said that those buildings which have inflicted loss or ruin to the promoters of the schemes had no good engineering skill bestowed on them. When large sums of money are spent on such undertakings, it is natural to suppose that the best intellects in the field of engineering had been consulted and the greatest care had been taken in collecting proper materials. If the best heads and the best materials are used. It is natural to suppose that the results would also be most satisfactory.
On the contrary, we find that some buildings are spared the ruthless hands of time, some others crash very soon; some bring prosperity to the owner while some bring about unhappiness, misery and ultimate destruction. It cannot be an accident that while some buildings are spared the ruthless hands of wild conquerors, others close to them, or forming part and parcel of them, get destroyed under exceptional circumstances. There must surely be some reason for these variations in the ups and downs in the life of a building. The causes for these have to be searched far behind the superficial strata of argument and ordinary conception. The explanation is to be found in the great works on astrology composed by the sages.
If a construction is begun at a time when the strength of the materials is found in plenty - which can be ascertained by the rules of astrology, when the influences which work against the forces of cohesion; adhesion and chemical combination, etc., are counteracted by zodiacal and stellar influences, when the magnetic currents are favourable to the union and permanency of the materials, it is said to prosper long.
There is an important branch of astrology dealing with this absorbing subject under the name of Vastu Sastra and its study is very material to the securing of permanency and prosperity, to the buildings constructed. The mysterious influence of time (Kalapurusha) is well marked. It accounts for the neglect or care of these buildings, their dilapidation or freshness, their occupation by men in power or by owls and other birds of illomen, their being covered up by mounds of earth or sand, and discovered after a long series of future generations to furnish facts and evidences for civilization which have disappeared, for societies which have passed away and for knowledge of construction which was concealed in the Little heads which planned their commencement.
The combinations of planets at the time of commencement, the position and strength of constellation, the waning and waxing of the ever unsteady Moon, the rising or sinking of the principal designer, and the Luck of the party, who first lays the foundation-stone, hate their own influence 10 exert.
The animal magnetism of the principle man has much to do with the prosperity of the edifice and also his heart and soul with reference to community who are to be profited by the construction. It is not astrology and sheer superstition when a lucky king or governor or president is asked to open an institution, to unveil a statue, to lay the foundation-stone for large buildings, and dig but a bit of earth for the success of the undertaking? These are the legitimate works of the humblest coolies, and if astrology has no hold, if influence of Luck has no place, why on earth do the most enlightened nations invite the luckiest man to open such proceedings?
Laying stones or digging the earth is not the legitimate function of any so-called big man. On the other hand, it belongs to the ordinary labourer who is present on the spot. If the most civilised nations of the earth do not believe in such Nonsense as luck and astrology let them not be making themselves fools by resorting to such stupid ceremonies.
People are not frank. They do one thing and preach another. It is better that if they have no belief at all in the science of astrology they may not enact "tom fooleries" on ignorant and superstitious humanity.
The Muhurtham refers to auspicious combination of various planetary influences, and the Worship offered during such occasions before the work is commenced. has special reference to the ave ting of 'evils' which may be in store for the Buildings under question.
Astrology, as applied to engineering, goes under the special name of Vastu Sastra and merits deep study and understanding by modern engineers.
The construction of a house according to astrological works involves four important stages, viz., (1) Laying the foundation, (2) Digging the well, (3) Fixing the door-frames, and (4) Entry into the new house. Of the four stages, the first and the last are very important and significant.
Laying the Foundation. - According to ancient astrological savants just as Kalapurusha personifies Time, Vastu Purusha personifies the House. The Vastu Purusha is said to sleep on his left with his head to the East during the months of Bhadrapada, Aswayuja and Kartika (August to October); with his head to the South during Margasira. Pushya and Magha (November to February); with his head to the West during.Phalguna, Chaitra and Vaisakha (February to May) and with his head to the North during Jyeshta, Ashadha and Sravana (May to August). No building should be erected on the ground covered by his head, his legs, his hands and his back. as it is said to prove fatal to the father, wife and children respectively and cause fear of thieves. The most suitable section would be the ground covered by the stomach of Vastu Purusha as it gives rise to plenty and prosperity.
No house-building should be commenced in the lunar months of Jyeshta, Ashadha, Bhadrapada, Aswayuja, Margasira, Pushya and Phalguna as they connote respectively death, destruction, disease, quarrels and misunderstandings, loss of wealth, incendiarism and physical danger The lunar months of Chaitra, Vaisakha, Sravana, Kartika and Magha are the best. The Sun should occupy fixed signs or at least movable signs but no building work should be undertaken when the Sun is in common signs.
Rohini, Mrigasira, Chitta, Hasta, Jyeshta, Uttara, Uttarashadha and Sravana are the best constellations to lay the foundation,
Swati, Pushya, Anuradha, Aswini, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra and Revati are ordinary or middling while the remaining twelve asterisms should invariably be avoided.
All odd tithis (lunar days) except the 9th are good. Of the even tithis the 2nd, 6th and 10th are auspicious. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the best, Even Monday should be rejected when the Moon is waning. Sunday and Saturday are approved by some but in our opinion Saturday should be rejected as it connots frequent thefts. Sunday should also be avoided unless the day is otherwise very auspicious.
Fixed signs are the best. Movable signs, should be rejected. Common signs may he preferred provided they are occupied by strong benefics. In movable signs and fixed navamsas can also be considered in cases of urgency, subject to the satisfactory disposition of other astrological factors. The rising sign, at the time of laying the foundation should be highly fortified by the disposition of malefics in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses and benefics in kendras and trines. The 8th house should be vacant and in no case should it have the aspect of malefic planet.
The following are some of the special combinations recommended as highly propitious by aincient astrological writers for laying the foundation so that the house could last long and ensure happiness and prosperity to the owner as well as the tenant.
Foundation is to be laid in Cancer, the superstructure erected in Gemini or Virgo and the roofing done in Taurus or Libra. The house becomes, fire-proof. A house built when Jupiter or Venus is in Lagna, end the Sun exactly on the meridian or at the western horizon, is supposed to last for at least one hundred years.
When the 10th house is occupied by the Moon, the 4th by Jupiter and the 11 th by Mars and Saturn, the house will remain undestroyed for at least 80 years.
Jupiter in Lagna, Mercury in the 7th, Saturn in the 3rd, the Sun and Venus in the 6th, the house will stand for a century.
Mercury occupying Lagna, Jupiter the 7th and the Moon the 10th indicate similar stability.
Varahamihira suggests that after finishing the puja, the first foundation - stone shall be laid on the north-eastern corner of the site.
Fixing the Door - Frame. - The Hindus attach special significance to the fixing of door-frames. Even today the so-called educated man publicly scoffing at astrology stealthily consults an astrologer in private, and gets an auspicious time for fixing door-frames. Probably the door-frames have the peculiarity of attracting the best electric and magnetic forces from the atmosphere. Then fixed in auspicious times - times at which the different planetary bodies would be so disposed as to concentrate the maximum of benefic influence. The door-frame should always be fixed at a time when the rising sign is a fixed one. Rohini, Mrigasira, Uttara, Chitta, Anuradha, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra and Revati may be elected. The tithi (lunar day), asterism, the day and the rising sign should all be carefully selected, for the moment of fixing the door-frame has an important bearing upon the prosperity of the master. The doors, etc., maybe furnished on Wednesday or Friday ruled by any beneficial lunar day, a common sign and any of the following constellations, viz., Aswini, Pushya, Nasta, Rohini, Uttara, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra.
The durability or duration of a dwelling house in a state of prosperity should be determined from the moment at which the foundation-stone is laid. Foundations laid under the following combinations assure prosperity and a long life for the house to be constructed.
(1) From the Lagna, the Moon should be in the 10th; Jupiter in the 14th and Mars and Saturn in the 11th. (2) Jupiter in Lagna, Mercury in the 7th, Saturn in the 3rd, the Sun in the 6th and Venus in the 4th. (3) The rising sign should be occupied by Venus, the 10th house by Mercury, any kendra by Jupiter and the 11th by the Sun. (4) The Moon in the rising sign, Jupiter in the 7th and Mercury in the 10th. (5) Venus in the 10th, Jupiter in the 7th and Mercury in Lagna - which should be a fixed sign. (6) Jupiter in Lagna (fixed) Mercury in the 7th and the Moon in the 10th.
Any of the above planetary positions at the moment of laying the foundation will establish the building in prosperity for a long number of years.
Jupiter in combination with Rohini, Mrigasira, Aslesha, Uttara. Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Sravana and Uttarabhadra, on a Thursday forms what is known as Rajayoga and this is considered very fortunate for starting the construction of a house.
Digging Wells. - The object of sinking a well is to get a perpetual supply of clean and healthy drinking water. Varahamihira deals exclusively with the topic of divining the presence of water by reference to the growth of certain types of vegetation. The water falling from the clouds is soaked into the earth and according to internal conditions, runs into different channels. These channels of water are what are called under-currents. The type of vegetation present in the soil is said to give a clue to the distance of these under-currents from the ground level. For instance, Varahamihira says that if one sees a Vetasa (Calamus viminalis) plant in a waterless tract, one can find water by digging the ground at a distance of 3 cubits to the west of it, half a purusa (about 3 1/2, feet) below the earth. These can be easily tested by our water-diviners before condemning them as antiquated or superstitious. Soil conditions are influenced by climatic factors which in their turn have reference to planetary radiations. Therefore when wells are dug under favourable planetary conditions, a plentiful supply of water is expected without much expense.
Revati, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Anuradha, Makha, Sravana, Rohini and Pushyami are favourable for digging wells. The rising sign should be Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn. Aquarius and Taurus will not give a good supply of water. Venus and the Moon should be in kepdras. If the digging operation is begun in the sign occupied by the Sun, delay will be caused on account of the presence of hard-rock. An abundant supply of sweet water is indicated when the Moon or Venus is in a quadrant identical with a full watery sign. Venus and Moon are watery planets, while Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces (full) are watery signs.
Entering a New House. - If the house, which one has built, is calculated to give happiness to the family, one must take proper astrological counsel in entering it under a propitious moment. Soon after the eventful day - the day on which one's house is first occupied - if per chance something untoward happens, he will not only be heckled sarcastically by the family members, but his; pride of possession disappears and he feels life not worth living though his sense of vanity would not allow him to own his short-sightedness.
Entering new houses will be a matter of great importance as the results produced by the local magnetic and electrical currents at the time of the entry of the family into it, may leave upon its members very far-reaching influences for good or bad. There is no mythology or superstition here. All human actions are productive of electrical currents.
"Vastu refers to the form of construction of the house, and the energies or forces called into existence by the arrangements made and the materials used in the construction. The subtle chemical results, effected by the conjunction of various materials, though not seen by the naked, eye, are still there and any evil tendencies they may have, to produce danger, disease, or death to the occupants, must be very sensibly and dexterously neutralised or counteracted. Therefore the astrological works lay down certain principles and they are explained in the Mantra Shastra, where the processes by which those evil influences are averted are detailed at great length."*

* The Astrological Mirror by Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao.

New houses should be entered when the Sun is in Uttarayana, and when Jupiter and Venus are strongly disposed, after necessary worships and Bhootabali.
"Then term Bhootas is generally applied to represent the influences of the earth, fire, water. Sky and air and the various compounds called into existence by their union. When special classes of materials and life beings - including men and cattle - were absent from a particular plot or piece of ground the influences of the Bhootas (forces or energies) were naturally working in their own inscrutable ways.
"But the advent of new forms of energies or forces will certainly have their own influences and if the first set of Maha-Bhootas are found to be inimicable to the second set of forces, which are brought upon them for safety and prosperity, it becomes the duty of intelligent beings like men, to study the first set of physical and spiritual energies which had their permanent abode in them, so that the second set may not suffer from the "frowns" of the first set, and thus, have the very same objects defeated for gaining which men spent so much money, time and mental labour. Bhootabali therefore will be the special sacrifices which are enjoined upon men to offer to the Bhootas (forces) in the new house before they enter into the same and seek safety under its roof."
The lunar months of Vaisakha, Jyeshta, Magha and Phalguna are the best while Kartika and Margasira are neutral or middling. The most auspicious lunar days are the first of the dark fortnight, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 13th of the bright half.
Rohini, Mrigasira, Uttarashada, Chitta and Uttarabhadra are the best constellations. Anuradha and Revati are also permissible. The other constellations should be rejected.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are auspicious. Saturday is also recommended by some Muhurtha writers, but there is risk of frequent thefts.
The Lagna or the ascendant should be a fixed sign. Common signs are ordinary white movable signs should be generally avoided. Provided, however, the Navamsa Lagna is Taurus, a movable sign may be selected. The 8th house from the Lagna should be vacant.
Malefics should be disposed in Upachayas, benefics should fortify quadrants, the Moon must be strongly disposed and the rising sign should preferably be owned by Jupiter or Venus. When entry into a new house is effected under such a combination, prosperity and long fife are said to be conferred on the person concerned. Griha Pravesam. done in one's own Janma Rasi. Janma Nakshatra or Janma Lagna, will produce highly beneficial results
Griha Pravesam should not be done when the wife is in advanced pregnancy (above 6 months).
Buying Lands for Buildings. - The best asterisms for buying a land are Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Uttara, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarashadha, Sravana, Dharushta, Satabhisha and Uttarabhadra. Riktha tithis must be scrupulously avoided. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday are good.
It would be better if the lord of the weekday concerned occupies the Lagna at the time of the transaction. Some ancient astrological works recommend Tuesday also as suitable. But in our humble view, Tuesday should be rejected.
At the time of making the final negotiations, let preferably a fixed sign rise and let Jupiter occupy a kendra or trikona. Mars should be placed in the 11th house and he should not be in Lagna. The lords of Lagna and the 7th should be harmoniously disposed. Avoid the 11th lord in the 12th.
The land can be taken possession of when the Lagna and Navamsa are occupied by the Sun and Ketu. When these planets are together in Lagna or Navamsa, the land is supposed to remain with the purchaser, permanently.
Buying Houses. - As usual Nanda* thithis ate favourable. New and old houses can be purchased on Thurs- days and Fridays. The auspicious constellations are Mrigasira, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, Visakha, Moota, Punarvasu and Revati. Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Scorpio are the best signs. Malefics should be avoided in the 7th house, as they may cause trouble and annoyance. Mars should not be in Lagna.

* See appendix for explanation.

Repairing Houses. - Do not commence repairs on Tuesdays. Friday at a moment when Lagna is Taurus or Libra and Monday when Cancer is rising are very suitable for beginning repairs. The Lagna must be occupied by a benefic and the Moon should be in an aquatic sign. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are the best.
Walls can be whitewashed on Monday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. As usual, inauspicious lunar days and fiery, constellations should be avoided.
No repairs should be started under the constellations of Krittika, Makha. Pushyami, Pubba, Hasta, Moola and Revati when Mars is transiting these constellations.
The most ideal combination either for laying the foundation or for entering houses or for buying and selling property is a Thursday identical with the presence of Jupiter in the following constellations:
Rohini, Mrigasira, Aslesha, Uttara, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Sravana and Uttarabhadra.
Dismantling Buildings. - When you want to pull down a house, see that it is done on a day ruled by a fiery constellation preferably when the rising sign is movable. Then the Moon should be waning. Mars should be in an Upachaya. Avoid Thursdays, and the 8th, 9th and 30th lunar days.
Removing to Another House. - This can be done when the usual Tarabala and Chandrabala are present, one's birth constellation would be propitious. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are favourable. Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday should be rejected as also Riktha tithis or negative lunar days. If the house is taken for a purpose other than residential, then strengthen the Bhava or house denoting the purpose. Thus if the house is taken for investment purposes, see that the 11th house is strongly disposed. In any case an auspicious lunar day, a favourable constellation and a good weekday are very necessary so that the object in view may be gained.