Chapter 34 Yoga Karakas 1. O Brahmin, thus I have told you about the effects derivable through Karakamsa. Now listen to the effects arising out of lordships of Grahas over bhavas.
2-7. Nature due to Lordships of Grahas: Benefics owning Kendras will not give benefic effects, while malefics owning Kendras will not remain inauspicious. The lord of a Kona will give auspicious results. The lord of Lagna is especially auspicious as Lagna is a Kendra as well as a Kona. Putra and Dharma Bhava are specially for wealth, while Yuvati and Karm Bhava are specially for happiness. Any Graha owning Sahaj, Ari, or Labh Bhava will give evil effects. The effects due to the lords of Vyaya and Randhra Bhava will depend on their association. In each group, the significance will be in the ascending order. Randhra's lord is not auspicious as he owns the 12th from Dharma Bhava. If the lord of Randhra Bhava simultaneously owns Sahaj, Yuvati, or Labh Bhava, he will prove specifically harmful, while his simultaneous ownership of a Kona will bestow auspicious effects. The Graha owning a predominant Bhava will stall the effects due to another owning a less significant bhava and will give his own results. Randhra's lordship of Surya and Chandra is not evil.
8-10. Natural Benefics and Natural Malefics: Guru and Shukra are benefics, while Chandra is mediocre in benefice and Buddha is neutral (i.e. a benefic when associated with a benefic and a malefic when related to a malefic). Malefics are Surya, Shani, and Mangal. Full Chandra, Buddha, Guru and Shukra are stronger in the ascending order. Weak Chandra, Surya, Shani, and Mangal are stronger (in malefic disposition) in the ascending order. In revealing maleficence due to rulership of Kendras, Chandra, Buddha, Guru, and Shukra are significant in the ascending order.
11-12. Lordships of Kendras and Konas: If there be an exchange between an lord of a Kendra and a lord of a Kona, or if a lord of a Kendra is yuti with a lord of a Kona in a Kendra or in a Kona, or if a lord of a Kona is in a Kendra or vice versa, or if there happens to be a full drishti between a lord of a Kendra and a lord of a Kona, they cause a Yog. One born in such a Yog will become a king and be famous.
13. If one and the same Graha gets the lordships of a Kona as well as a Kendra, or if a Graha is in a Kendra or in a Kona, it will prove specially a Yog Karaka.
14. Lordship of Kendra: It has been said that a malefic owning a Kendra will become auspicious, which is true only when it simultaneously lords over a Kona and not by merely owning a Kendra.
15. If the lords of a Kendra or a Kona own simultaneously an evil bhava. He (i.e. the lord of the Kendra or the lord of the Kona) does not cause a Raj Yog by mere relations stipulated (as per ch. 34, slokas 11 and 12).
16. Rahu and Ketu: Rahu and Ketu give predominantly the effects as due to their yuti with a bhava lord or as due to the bhava they occupy.
17. If Rahu & Ketu are in Kendra receiving a drishti from or in association with the lord of a Kona, or if Rahu or Ketu happen to be in a Kendra receiving a drishti from or in association with the lord of a Kendra it will become Yog Karaka.
18. 0 Maharishi Parashar, please narrate according to the rashis rising as to which Graha is a Yog Karaka and which is inauspicious.
19-22. Grahas and Mesh Lagna: O Brahmin, listen to these with examples. Even though Mangal is the lord of Randhra Bhava, he will be helpful to (other) auspicious Grahas. Shani, Buddha, and Shukra are malefics. Auspicious are Guru and Surya. The mere yuti of Shani with Guru will not produce auspicious effects (although they own a Kona and a Kendra). If Guru is at the disposal of a malefic, he will surely give inauspicious results. Shukra is a direct (or independent) killer. Shani, etc., will also inflict death if associated with an adverse Graha (i.e Shukra).
23-24. Grahas and Vrishabha Lagna: Guru, Shukra, and Chandra are malefics. Shani and Surya are auspicious. Shani will cause Raj Yog. Buddha is somewhat inauspicious; the Guru group (Guru, Chandra, and Shukra), & Mangal will inflict death.
25-26. Grahas and Mithuna Lagna: Mangal, Guru, and Surya are malefics, while Shukra is the only auspicious Graha. The yuti of Guru with Shani is similar to that for Mesh Lagna. Chandra is the prime killer, but it is dependent on her association.
27-28. Grahas and Karka Lagna: Shukra and Buddha are malefics, Mangal, Guru, and Chandra are auspicious. Mangal is capable of conferring a full-fledged Yog and giving auspicious effects. Shani and Surya are killers and give effects according to their associations.
29-30. Grahas and Simha Lagna: Buddha, Shukra, and Shani are malefics. Auspicious effects will be given by Mangal, Guru, and Surya. Guru's yuti with Shukra (though respectively Kona and Kendra lords) will not produce auspicious results. Shani and Chandra are killers who will give effects according to their associations.
31-32. Grahas and Kanya Lagna: Mangal, Guru, and Chandra are malefics, while Buddha and Shukra are auspicious. Shukra's yuti with Buddha will produce Yog. Shukra is a killer as well. Surya's role will depend on his association.
33-34. Grahas and Tula Lagna: Guru, Surya, and Mangal are malefics. Auspicious are Shani and Buddha. Chandra and Buddha will cause Raj Yog. Mangal is a killer. Guru and other malefics will also acquire a disposition to inflict death. Shukra is neutral.
35-36. Grahas and Vrishchika Lagna: Shukra, Buddha, and Shani are malefics. Guru and Chandra are auspicious. Surya as well as Chandra are Yog Karakas. Mangal is neutral. Shukra and other malefics acquire the quality of causing death.
37-38. Grahas and Dhanu Lagna: Only Shukra is inauspicious. Mangal and Surya are auspicious. Surya and Buddha are capable of conferring a Yog. Shani is a killer, Guru is neutral. Shukra acquires killing powers.
39-40. Grahas and Makar Lagna: Mangal, Guru, and Chandra are malefics, Shukra and Buddha are auspicious. Shani will not be a killer on his own. Mangal and other malefics will inflict death. Surya is neutral. Only Shukra is capable of causing a superior Yog.
41-42. Grahas and Kumbh Lagna: Guru, Chandra, and Mangal are malefics, while Shukra and Shani are auspicious. Shukra is the only Graha that causes Raj Yog. Guru, Surya, and Mangal are killers. Buddha gives meddling effects.
43-44. Grahas and Meena Bhava: Shani, Shukra, Surya, and Buddha are malefics. Mangal and Chandra are auspicious. Mangal and Guru will cause a Yog. Though Mangal is a killer he will not kill the native (independently). Shani and Buddha are killers.
45-46. General: Thus, the auspicious and inauspicious effects derivable through the Grahas due to their lordship according to the rising rashi, have to be estimated. Apart, the effects due to Nabhasa Yogas, etc., should also be known which I narrate as under.
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