Brihad_Parasar_Hora_Sastra Ch. 8. Drishtis of the Rāśis


Ch. 8. Dristis of the Rāśis

Ch. 8. Drishtis of the Rāśis

1-3. Rāśi Drishtis. O Maitreya, now detailed are the Drishtis, emanating from the Rāśi Mesh etc. Every Movable Rāśi Drishtis the 3 Fixed Rāśis, leaving the Fixed Rāśi adjacent to it. Every Fixed Rāśi gives Drishti to the 3 Movable Rāśis, barring the adjacent Movable Rāśi. And a Common Rāśi gives a Drishti to the other three Common Rāśis. The Grah in a Rāśi gives the same Drishti, as the Rāśi (in which the Grah is) does.

4-5. Drishtis of the Grahas. A Grah in a Movable Rāśi gives a Drishti to the other 3 Fixed Rāśis, leaving the Fixed Rāśi next to it. A Grah in a Fixed Rāśi does not give a Drishti to the next Movable Rāśi, but the remaining 3 Movable Rāśis. The one in a Common Rāśi gives a Drishti to the remaining 3 Common Rāśis. Simultaneously a Grah in the Rāśi, that receives a Drishti, is also subjected to the Drishti concerned.

6-9. Diagram of Dristhis. As depicted by Lord Brahma, I now narrate the diagram of Drishtis, so that Drishtis are easily understood by a mere sight of the diagram. Draw a square, or a circle marking the 8 directions (4 corners and 4 quarters thereof). Mark the zodiacal Rāśis, as under: Mesh and Vrishabha in East, Mithuna in the North-East, Karka and Simha in the North, Kanya in the North-West, Tula and Vrishchika in the West, Dhanu in the South-West, Makar and Kumbha in the South and Meena in the South-East.

Addition Santhanam till Ch. 9. The Drishtis (as per the earlier Slokas) can be shown in a square diagram, or circular diagram (as per convenience).

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