Role of Nakshtra in selecting Muhurta


Sthula: Count the Nakshtras from the Surya to Mula. The Nakshtra arrived at by counting the same from Mula is the unfortunate Sthula “dense/massive” Nakshtra.

Kantaka (कंटक): Dictionary meaning of Kantaka - काँटा, बाधा, विघ्न, दुखदाई वस्तु, हानिकारक वस्तु
Count the Nakshtras from Mangla to Mula. The Nakshtra arrived at by counting the same from Mula is the unfavourable Kantaka “thorn” Nakshtra.

Exception: A planet in its own Varga or in exaltation and aspected by a benefic, is not affected by Kantaka.

Kantaka Sthula: Count the Nakshtras from the Surya to Mula and add to the number of Nakshtras counted from Mangla to Mula. The Nakshtra arrived at by counting the sum from Mula is Kantaka Sthula “massive thorn”, which is very destructive. Remedial forces and even powerful beneficial influences do not diminish its harmful effect.

Events started under Sthula tend to suffer some obstructions, those started under Kantaka will be the source of some pain, but neither will be a source of ruin. Kantaka Sthula may, however, be a source of ruin and should be avoided.


Rohini to Mula is 16 and 16th Nakshtra from Mula becomes Sthula Nakshtra.

Bharani to Mula is18, counting 18 from Mula becomes “Kantaka Nakshtra”

Rohini to Mula is 16 + 18 becomes Kantaka Sthula 


Certain Nakshtras counted from the different planets gain or lose some favour: 

Ravi Yoga: The Chandra in the 4th, 6th, 10th, 13th or 20th from the Surya’s Nakshtra forms the auspicious Ravi “Sun” Yoga, which destroys all that is unfavourable.

Vidyut Nakshtra (विद्युत नक्षत्र): The 5th Nakshtra from that holding the Surya is the inauspicious Vidyut “lightning.”

Bhukampa Nakshtra भूकंप नक्षत्र: The 7th Nakshtra from that holding the Surya is the inauspicious Bhukampa “earthquake.”

Sula Nakshtra शूल नक्षत्र: The 8th Nakshtra from that holding the Surya is the inauspicious Sula “spike.”

Ulka Nakshtra उल्का नक्षत्र: The 10th Nakshtra from that holding the Surya is the inauspicious Ulka “meteor.” This also forms the favourable Ravi Yoga.

Consider this to give unfavourable results if the Tara and Nakshtra are unfavourable and favourable results if they are favourable.

Exception: Jupiter or Venus strongly placed in the Lagna dispels the negative effects of Ulka.

Nirghata Nakshtra निर्घट नक्षत्र: The 14th Nakshtra from that holding the Surya is the inauspicious Nirghata “tornado/hurricane.”

Brahma Dhanda Nakshtra ब्रह्म-दण्ड नक्षत्र: The 15th Nakshtra from that holding the Surya is the inauspicious Brahma Dhanda “Brahma’s staff.”

Jvalita Nakshtra ज्वलित नक्षत्र: The 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 16th and 25th Nakshtras from the Nakshtra holding Mangla is the inauspicious Jvalita “flaming” Nakshtra.

Parigha Nakshtra परिघ नक्षत्र: The 5th, 7th, 16th, 24th and 25th Nakshtras from that holding Mangla is the inauspicious Parigha “iron locking bar” Nakshtra.

From Budhha: The 8th, 18th and 24th Nakshtras from that holding Budhha are unfavourable.

Dhvajadanda Nakshtra ध्वजा दण्ड नक्षत्र: The 9th Nakshtra from that occupied by Brihaspati is the inauspicious Dhvajadanda “flagpole.”

Samahata Nakshtra समहट नक्षत्र: The 7th & 9th Nakshtras from the Nakshtra holding Brihaspati; the 10th and 15th from that holding Shukra; and the 6th, 10th, 11th and 20th from that holding Shani are known as Samahata “struck down,” and are unfavourable for all enjoyable events.

From Rahu: The 5th, 11th & 13th Nakshtras from that holding Rahu are unfavourable.

Asiivisha Nakshtra असहिविष नक्षत्र: The 2nd, 6th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 18th and 27th Nakshtras from the one in which the Surya and Chandra have joined are Asiivisha, “poisonous snake,” which is very inauspicious for all things except marriage, conception, Pumsavana and Siimantham 

Exception: Rohini, Mrigasira, Pushya, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Anuradha, Uttarashadha, Shravana and Uttarabhadrapad are unaffected by Asiivisha.

Exception: The Chandra aspected by Brihaspati while being in the Navamsa of Brihaspat destroys the ill effects of Asiivisha.

Exception: If the Chandra is in Ashlesha and aspected by Brihaspat, Asiivisha has no negative effects.

Exception: The waxing Chandra in a friendly Navamsa or in Budhha’s Navamsa destroys the ill effects of Asiivisha.

If the Chandra is in an unfavourable Nakshtra from some other graha, problems come about that are the results of no support coming from the graha in question, or from the graha in question acting disruptively. The nature of this graha will indicate the problem.

Each of these Nakshtras produces some problems; for the more important events it is preferable that they be avoided. The problems these Nakshtras produce are not insurmountable, but they do give problems associated with their names. The unfavourable Nakshtras from the planet that is the Karaka for the event, however, must always be avoided or else there will be severe consequences, for the Karaka will, in that case, not support the event at all.