While selecting an appropriate muhurta several factors are considered. It is very important that panchang (panch anga –Tithi-Karan-Vara-Nakshtra-Yoga) are favourable for the muhurta.

The panchang components are as favourable as their lords and the Moon. It is very important that the Moon and panchang lords are well disposed for the event. A favourable Vara/Tithi/Nakshtra/yoga is one factor which neutralizes blemishes.

Ancient Muhurta texts have given specific guidelines for beginning many activities, of which for many activities specific guidelines are given but for many only a favourable nakshtra is said appropriate.

Basic principles to be followed while selecting a Muhurta

Age and Time: some activities (samskara) of life to be performed at specific age or specific time of year. For these activities rest of the factors become secondary so one has to select an appropriate moment during that certain period only.

Ayana: A Vedic year is divided into two Ayana Dakshinayan (also called as night of God) and Uttarayan (day of God). Activities that have a significant lifelong influence are best said to be performed during Uttarayan.

Masa: For the events that have life-long importance such as marriage, it is well worth insuring that an appropriate lunar month to be chosen and also ensure the lord of that month is well disposed. If not possible then select a month in which the full Moon falls in a Nakshtra that is favourable for the event.

Paksha: Some events are best performed in either Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha. It is worth performing these events in the recommended Paksha. Important is other Muhurta factors are favourable and well disposed.

Nakshtra: Nakshtra is the most event specific component of Panchang. Just ensure the Moon and Nakshtra lord are well disposed. A favourable Nadika or Tithyamsa can make up for the unfavourable Nakshtra. Also full Moon falling in a favourable Nakshtra can support the event under an unfavourable Nakshtra as long as the lord of the full Moon`s Nakshtra is well disposed.

If the Yoga formed by the Nakshtra is auspicious, the Nakshtra gains some favour. If the Yoga formed by the Nakshtra is unfavourable then the Nakshtra loses all the favour.

Tithi: A favourable Tithi is very important. Any Tithi except for one of the Dark Tithis (the 1st Tithi of Shukla Paksha and the 11th 12th 13th 14th and 15th Tithis of Krishna Paksha) taking part in an auspicious Vara/Tithi/Nakshtra yoga becomes favourable even if otherwise it is unfavourable. On the other hands any favourable Tithi taking part in an inauspicious Vara/Tithi/Nakshtra yoga will loose all favour.

Vara: An event will fulfil its goal readily if the Vara is favourable. Most important always is that lord of the Vara is well disposed. However if a Vara is unfavourable but taking part in an auspicious Vara/Tithi/Nakshtra yoga, then the Vara will have the vital strength to insure the ready success of the event. If the Vara is not taking part in a favourable yoga then Hora and to a lesser degree the Nadika of a planet favourable for the event can do.

Yoga: Most of the 27 Yogas are favourable. But if the lord of the Yoga is afflicted, it will have negative impact on the event. If a favourable Yoga cannot be chosen then ensure the lord of the Yoga is well disposed and under the influence of strong benefics.

Karana: Specific Karanas are mentioned in ancient texts for specific events. The Karana is very important and not to be overlooked. Always select a favourable Karana.

Tara: Tara is very important and it is always well worth sacrificing any other Muhurta component, except for the Panchang components and the Vara/Tithi/Nakshtra Yoga in order to have favourable Tara.

Favourable Tara insures that the individual can benefit from the favourable astrological influences, while unfavourable Tara can brings out the worst possible results and makes it difficult for the native to benefit from the favourable factors.

It is better to perform the event under the 22nd (Vainashik) or 27th Nakshtra than under a Vipat, Pratyak and Vadha Nakshtra. Among Vipat, Pratyak and Vadha Nakshtra the Pratyak Nakshtra are less unfavourable.

Hora: Hora is similar in effect to the Vara and should thus be of one of the planet that rules the favourable Vara for the event. Disposition of lord of Hora is equally important. An unfavourable Hora can be compensated for to some degree, by a favourable Vara or by the lord of the Nadika being a favourable planet.

Nadika: the Nadika which is known by a Nakshtra but ruled by a planet, brings the Nakshtra and Vara together into one. Choose the Nadika of planet whose Vara is favourable for the event and the Nakshtra after which it is named and that is also favourable for the event. Additionally, the result of the Nadika on the specific Vara should not be adverse and is best if it is in line with intended goal. If the lord of Nadika is not favourable then a favourable Hora or Vara can compensate to some degree. If the Nakshtra after which the Nadika is named is not favourable then make double sure that the Nakshtra of Moon is favourable for the event.

Tithyamsa: The Tithyamsa is very important the unfavourable Tithyamsa or Dur Muhurtas 

which are one of twenty one Mahadoshas, must be avoided. Preferably the Nakshtra to which Tithyamsa correlates should be favourable. A favourable Tithi can compensate for the unfavourable Tithyamsa But not for the Dur Muhurtas.

Lagna: For most events suitable Lagnas are given. Along with this Lagna of a benefic planet is always preferable, though much greater importance is given to the arrangement of the planets in the Bhavas. Never choose a particular lagna at the expense of sacrificing any planetary positions. Occasionally a particular Lagna which is unsatisfactory should be avoided unless planetary configuration from that Lagna is very favourable.

Navamsa Lagna: General rule is the Navamsa Lagna should be of one of the planets whose Vara is favourable for the event should be followed.

Bhavas: The placement of the planets in the Bhavas is much more important than the Lagna chosen. Almost any Lagna will be quite satisfactory if the planets are in favourable Bhavas. Benefics are favourable in angles and trines and malefics in 3rd, 6th and 11th. If primary Muhurta factors are favourable and most importantly their lords well disposed, other afflictions in the Rashi chart cannot cause notable harm.

Grahas: Some events need certain planets to meet special considerations which are very important and should always be followed.

These special considerations are generally only slightly less important than having favourable Panchang components, well-disposed Panchang lords, a favourable Vara/Tithi/Nakshtra Yoga, favourable Tara and absence of Shunya, Vishanadi or any of the Twenty-One Mahadoshas.

Grahas includes the affliction of Jupiter and Venus, which should be avoided in performing all acts of long-term importance.

Gochara: It is desirable to have certain planets in favourable Gochara position from the natal Moon. But never worth sacrificing other important Muhurta factors or a Rashi chart with a favourable planetary placements.

Miscellaneous: The event will meet success so long as the Panchang components are favourable, the Panchang lords are well-disposed, the Vara/Tithi/Nakshtra Yoga is favourable, the Tara is favourable, the twenty-One Mahadoshas, Shunya, and Vishanadi are avoided and there is some factors present which neutralizes blemishes.

Combinations: Classical texts often give combination of planetary permutations that support the activity. These combinations when present go a long way in strengthening the Rashi chart and supporting success. They are also capable of neutralize blemishes that may be present and can be treated as other factors that neutralize adversities.                                                                                                                               Anju Anand

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