Chandra Vela, Avastha, and Kriya


In the assessment of a birth chart, query chart and for Muhurta, full consideration should be given to Chandrakriya,  Chandra Avastha  and  Chandravelas.

Chandrakriyas are 60 in number, Chandra Avasthas 12 and Chandravelas 36.

Chandra Vela

    The time taken by Moon to traverse a star (13°20') divided into 36 equal divisions yields a Chandra Vela.

    equal to 22-2/9'. 
The effects of the 36 Chandra Velas, as applicable to nativities, are given below,  :

       Chandra Vela &  Effects 

Sapta Vara in Vedic Astrology

 Vara or Week Day

Week day in the Hindu Panchanga system is considered from Sunrise to next day Sunrise.
The sequence of weekdays that we follow is an ancient tradition, with each day of the week being associated with one of the seven visible planets. These days are known as Vara or Vasre. In Vedic Astrology, the days of the week have been associated with the successful accomplishment of certain types of activities. Certain activities are also considered inconsistent with the personalities of certain weekdays. The suitability of weekdays closely correspond to the significations of the lords of those weekdays. Birth on a particular day will make that planet's affairs in the chart quite significant in a person's life.

Classification of day Days are classified into Saumya and Krura days
Gentle Days – Saumya: Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, and Monday are considered as the ‘gentle’ days in Panchang.
Cruel Days – Krura: Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday are considered as harsh/ Krura days for some activities.

SUNDAY – Aadivaar / Ravivaar. Ruled by the Aditya or Sun God. 
An excellent day to undertake journeys, to resolve old disputes, entertain friends and family, for entering a new house, Gaining Knowledge, Pujas, Havans coronation, administer medicines , 
Colour for the day - Pink and maroon. 
Fast on Sunday for peace, Can feed wheat and jaggery to a cow. Feeding kheer of jaggery to a Brahman or a poor person also reduces the malefic effects of  Sun ,Surya Namaskar in early morning to get a relief from health issues 
Pay attention to yourself and your inner Self. Good for enjoying work related to Nature, work related to gold, copper, trees, silk, fire, coronation. Control your anger and ego. 

MONDAY –Somavaar.  Ruled by the Chandra or Moon
Day of creativity, original thinking and intuitive things. 
Shri Krishna (Solah kala sampoorna) was the descendant of Chandra deva, combined 
with all the sixteen phases like him.
Monday is favourable for beginning a new career, planting, gardening and for initiating any kind of finance-related activities, make marital arrangements, and for betting and sport-related activities, for seeking  medical help, for men seeking favours from women and for making new friends. 
Good to donate Rice, melons, coconut, curd, camphor, milk, corn, cucumber, white clothes,  etc.. to Brahmins, Females