Abhijit Muhurta – powerful and auspicious time of the day

Muhurta – Selection of the auspicious time is one of the important part of Jyotisha. 

Dictionary Meaning of Abhijit: "victorious", "conqueror"

Abhijit refers to “winner” and Muhurta means “auspicious time”.

It has power to annihilate / destroy numerous doshas in elections.

It is believed that success is assured if work is done at the right time. Generally, to find an auspicious Muhurta panchang shudhi is done, Tithi, Vara, Karana, Nakshtra & Yoga are analyzed; on the basis of which success can be ensured. But, on a daily basis an auspicious time period by the name of Abhijit is available in which any auspicious task can be performed without panchang shudhi.

This muhurta is capable of removing all the doshas prevalent at that time.

Calculations of Abhijit Muhurta

Abhijit Muhurta is calculated on the basis of sunrise and sunset at the particular place or the city. Abhijit Muhurta starts from 24 minutes before the local Noon time and remains till 24 minutes after the noon time. The total time of Abhijit Muhurta is 48 minutes for a twelve hour day. But duration of Abhijit may change depending upon the Dinman (day Length).
In other words Abhijit Muhurta is the 8th muhurta of the fifteen muhurta of the day (the entire day is divided into 30 Muhurtas). It is also known and famous as Vijay Muhurat. According to the Narad Puran Abhijit Muhurta is the fourth lagna from the lagna at the time of sunrise.

For variable length of daytime its duration should be calculated proportional to non-nocturnal (daytime) length. Proportional election time (total duration) of this election is 15th part of the daytime length. Thus at a place of activity on a given day the election shall be current during:

LNT ± [(proportional election time) ÷ 2]
= [(Sunset time + Sunrise time) ÷2] ± [(Sunset time – Sunrise time) ÷ 30]
For example if Sunrise is at 07.00 IST & the Sunset time is 18.00 IST at a place of an activity then, its total duration shall be 44 minutes (11 ÷12 x 48 = 44 m). Local Noon Time shall be 12.30 IST. The said election time shall start from 12.08 & ends at 12.52 IST (12.30 ± 22 m).

Example- To calculate the Abhijit muhurta at any place
Let’s assume
Sunrise at – 05:30
Sunset at -18:30
Local Noon Time (LNT) = (1830+0530)/2=12hr
Abhijit Muhurta=LNT± (Sun set- Sun rise)/30
=12± (1830-0530)/30 hrs

In the above example the length of day is 13 hrs. That is why the standard duration of Abhijit muhurta changes from 48 minutes to 52(26x2) minutes.

Abhijit Muhurta has blessing of Lord Vishnu who destroys innumerable Doshas with His Sudarshan Chakra during the currency of this Muhurta. Lord Shiva killed a powerful demon named Tripurasur, who captured the three world, Akash, Prithvi, Pataal with his immense power in this Muhurta.

Abhijit Muhurta is eligible for almost all auspicious tasks like house-warming ceremony, marriage, traveling for the first time regarding work, starting a new work, starting a new venture, repaying debts, investing money, or performing any Puja etc.

 Limitations of Abhijit Muhurta

although Abhijit is a very powerful muhurta but still it has some limitation too. Like Traveling in South direction is prohibited in Abhijit Muhurta.
Additionally, no auspicious task should be performed during the Abhijit Muhurta of Wednesday. This muhurta loses its beneficence on Wednesday. As on Wednesdays Abhijit Muhurta coincides a malefic muhurta.
 Last but not least this muhurta should be used in emergencies when no other suitable times are available otherwise one may fails to harness the richness of other Muhurtas available on that day.

Same way at midnight one Ghati (24 Minutes) on the either side of Midnight is Abhijit muhurta.

One thing that needs to be mentioned is that Abhijit Muhurta and Abhijit Nakshtra (constellation) has no direct relation with each other. But, if Abhijit Muhurta and Abhijit Nakshtra falls together, it is considered extremely auspicious. It is said that Lord Krishna born in this muhurta during night and Lord Rama was born during this muhurta in day time.

It has power to annihilate / destroy numerous malevolent influences in elections. However, its efficacy is enhanced by presence of special Muhurta Yogas. This election is that powerful that some exponents have praised to the extent that when a suitable election is not available, it can be selected for fruition of the desires.

Anju Anand


Anju Anand

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