Rahul Gandhi takes over as president of the Congress, main opposition party in India. With this he becomes the sixth member of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty to head the party that has ruled the country for much of its independent history.
Rahul Gandhi, who took the mantle from his mother, Sonia Gandhi, at a party function, on Saturday 16 Dec 2017.
Astrological analysis of Muhurta
Panchang for the day of Ceremony
Samvat -2074
Masa - Pausha (Mal-Masa)
Day - Saturday
Tithi - Krishan Chaturdashi
Sign rising - Aquarius
Nakshtra - Anuradha
Karan - Vishti
Yoga - Dhriti
Moon in Scorpio (Neecha Rashi)
Sun - Sagittarius ( Sun has just entered Sagittarius sign)
Rahul Gandhi takes over as Party President on Krishna Chaturdashi. Chaturdashi Tithi is known as Rikta tithi. And Chaturdashi Tithi in Krishna Paksha is also blind tithi.
Rikta Tithis are favorable only for undesirable activities. Moreover Tithi lord Saturn is Combust and poorly disposed.
Although Saturday being a fixed day can be considered auspicious for coronation. Nakshtra Anuradha is also favourable for taking oath.
On the event day Sun just entered Sagittarius (Sankranti) in Muhurta. For any auspicious activity Sankranti time is to be avoided. It is seen those things begun under Sankranti have only a transitional
influence and do not reach the expected conclusion. Sankranti is, therefore, particularly unfavorable for events of long-term significance.
Moon 6th lord is posited in Scorpio (Neecha Rashi of Moon).
Lagna Lord and 9th Lord are combust and 5th Lord is retrograde. 9L and 5L both planets week posited in 10 house of status and position.
Karna Vishti (Bhadra) - Vishti Karana are unfavorable for most beneficial activities. if the Karana is unfavorable at the time of beginning any beneficial activity, the work that will be required to maintain the activity and to bring it to a successful conclusion will be more than it is felt to be worth.
For Good Muhurta, there should be Benefics Venus, mercury and Moon are in Kendra but Venus is combust, Mercury is retrograde and Moon debilitated. and malefics in 3,6,11, here there are malefics in 6th and 11th house.
The Planetary positions for a good muhurat are missing.
Anju Anand