Vedanga Jyotisha refers to a specific unit of time commonly known as Muhurta Jyotisha. Muhurta signifies the most benefic period when there is maximum harmony between stellar aspects (planets/stars) and the concerned human being or circumstances. It is that period which helps in concentrating the energy of the planets and other astrological factors in an auspicious way so as to void the evil powers and make the result of the work performed most fruitful. It is not only the positive time to initiate an event so that, not only it is carried out without any hurdle, but it also provides best results.
Muhurta for Surgery or treatment:
As it is said "Well begin is half done" so any work started in auspicious time adds to success.In the Brāhmaṇas, muhurta means a division of time: one-thirtieth of a day, or a period of two Ghati (48 minutes). Further each muhūrta is further divided into 30 (Indian minutes) or kalā (making 30 Kalā ≈ 48 western min). Each kalā is further divided into 30 (Indian) seconds or Kāṣṭhā, making 30 Kāṣṭhā ≈ 1.6 western minute.
Ch.31 of Kaalaprakasika deals with commencement of Ayurvedic/Aushad, surgical and other treatments for various types of ailments. It says the application of all external remedies and operation with surgical instruments should commence on Tuesday or Saturday when Mars is powerful, when 8th house is unoccupied and when ruling asterism is Ardra, Jyeshta, Ashlesha or Moola coinciding with Chaturthi, Navmi or Chaturdashi Tithi. Mesha, Karkata, Kanya or Taurus - any of these signs rising shoud be chosen.
But,however Mukurtha NirNayam alias Kaalavidhaanam sloka 317 is more specific about Agni or sasthra (Surgical) vaithiya cikitsaa .This sloka advocates that Agni or Sasthra cikitsaa has to be done on ones Chandra Tara phalam day coinciding any one of the
following Nakshtra:
Ardra, Jyeshta, Ashlesha and Moola, falling on Shani or Kuja vara in a Rikta (4,9,14)
Tithi with Udayakala Lagna viz.Mesha, Karkata, Kanya, Tula with papagraha (Rahu, Sun, Mars) in Lagna with a clear/ unoccupied unafflicted 8th house.
On commencement of a disease there are certain commencements which are considered disastrous:
Chaturthi on Ardra/Ashlesha/Magha,
Navami on Swati/Jyeshta/Bharani,
Chaturdashi on Phalguni/P.Ashada/Bhadra Pad
And in general, 4, 9, 14, 6, 8 12 and Amavasya are negative.
Seeing the right Muhurtas for important undertakings can minimize affliction in the birth chart. Muhurtas gives maximum importance to the radical moon, as moon signifies the mind.
For calculating the correct Muhurtas consideration must be first given to the birth chart of the concerned person or persons, then the panchangam is referred to and the five limbs:
• Tithi- lunar day
• Vara- day of the week
• Nakshtra- constellation
• Yoga- semi lunar day
• Karna- half a lunar day
From a technical point of view, there are many rules to consider when choosing the best time for surgery.
First of all the condition of the Moon is going to be essential. Astrologically the Moon represents flux and change, and successful surgery is about creating a successful change to the body.
So ideally, at the time of the surgery, the Moon should be making a favorable aspect to a fortunate (benefic) planet.
Research has shown that excessive bleeding is more likely to occur if surgery is performed within one week before or after the full moon.
You should also avoid all strong aspects to Mars, negative or positive. To avoid any Mars’s influence, we have noted only the Favorable Times for Surgery.
These Two Rules apply to all Surgeries.
Avoid surgery when the moon is in the same zodiac sign governing the body part in question. For example, if you must go in for heart by-pass surgery, we do not want to schedule this surgery for the transit of the Moon that day in Leo...because Leo rules the heart and cardiovascular system. If possible, to avoid using the transiting Moon in a sign opposite of that body part that is going to be operated on, that is 7th aspect.
The following factors are also to be considered:
Special planetary considerations (i.e. birth chart and present position of planets)
• Tara bala- strength of Nakshtra -
Don’t fix the operation date on your Vipat Tara, Pratyari Tara, Vadh Tara.
From your Birth Star 3rd Star is Vipat Tara,
From your Birth Star 5th Star is Pratyari Tara,
From your Birth Star 7th Tara is Vadh (death) Tara
• Chandra bala- lunar strength when Moon is posited from your Moon-Sign in Dark Half period of Moon at 2,4,5,8,9,12 houses in your Horoscope. When Moon is posited from Your Moon-Sign in Bright Half Period of Moon at 4,6,7,8, 12 houses in Your Horoscope.
• Panchak- five sources of energy it is...
• Mrityu Panchak- it signifies danger.
• Agni Panchak- indicates danger from fire.
• Raja Panchak- indicates danger from authority.
• Krura Panchak- means evil things (negative thoughts or energies).
• Rog Panchak- to be avoided for all surgical and recovery processes.
Seeking a Muhurta for Operation:
Mars governs surgical operation. Shukla Paksha is preferred to Krishna Paksha, and a waxing moon is preferable but a full moon or eclipse are to be avoided. (Mars should not be in the 8th house and the mutual exchange of Mars and Saturn is inimical).
Aruda, Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Moola (though they are Krura Nakshatra i.e. cruel) are good for surgical processes with exception of Ashlesha on Dasami and Moola on Pratipada (this is to be very carefully watched on the birth chart).
6th, 8th, 12th lord and their Nakshatra in your birth chart — are to be avoided.
Ravi Yoga days are good if your Sun (Ravi) is uccha but are to be avoided if neecha (i.e. in Shani’s Rashi, Makar or Kumbh).
Saturn’s Nakshatra can delay recovery and may indicate unwanted lumps, cysts, constriction except the same Nakshatra can be beneficial for Makar and Kumbh Rashi people.
It has been noted in the classic text Muhurat Chintamani that Lagna should be strong at the time of surgery. Its lord should not be in the 8th house. A strong well placed Lagna lord minimises the chances of adverse post operative consequences.
Unaffected and unoccupied 8th house is always preferable.
Mars must be strong but not in the 8th house (house of illness) and the 2nd lord and the 7th lord should also be strong (death in infl uenced by the 2nd and 7th lord).
Incision to weed out the afflicted part should not be done when the transitory moon is in Shadashtaka (6/8) from you birth moon.
Moon in conjunction with Mars in water signs can lead to heavy bleeding.
Avoid operating those parts of the body whose lords are adversely afflicted in both your natal and horary (Gochar charts).
The head, brain and nervous system are ruled over by the moon.
Throat, thyroid and neck by Venus.
Abdominal operations are to be avoided when Virgo, Libra and Scorpio Rashis have afflicted planets. When Mercury is combust or afflicted and so is Venus the above applies more so.
Liver and Kidney surgeries are to be avoided in combust Jupiter and Venus.
In cases of medical emergencies and suitability of dates etc it may be difficult to observe all the above or any for that matter, then Mahamrityunjaya Japa should be recited and Kalabhairav Stotra/Japa “Ohm Namo Kalabhairavaya” always helps.
There may also be some mitigating factors in either the person’s horoscope or the prashna kundali which help people having an unafflicted sun or moon or mars undergo major surgeries in their life.
Adhi Yoga, Gajakesari Yoga, Vasumati Yoga, and Sun flanked by benefic (Punya Kartari) also protect the native.
The Dasha (both Vimshottari and Ashottari are also indicative). Surgical operations are likely to take place in the Dashas, Antardasha of Maraka planets (2nd and 7th lords) or during the Dasha of the Nakshatra lord of the 6th or 8th house. Dasha’s of the 8th or 12th lord cause anxiety and hospitalization but no danger to life. Recovery is seen during the sub periods of the 1st, 5th 9th, 11th lords if they are exalted.
Above all the blessings of the Almighty play a major role (strengthening your mind and if you believe so steadying the hand of your surgeon). Hence prayers always help and not only for surgeries.
Mutable signs are ultimately flexible and the most creative of the Quadruplicity, and one wants the surgeon to be just in that frame of mind when she/he is poking for the root cause of all your problems.
Transiting of the Moon in a fixed sign of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, this ensures - First, that the surgeon is going to go in and do the surgery on the organ agreed upon. Secondly, the surgeon’s hands are at their steadiest in a fixed sign. You also want to try for a fixed transiting Moon when the surgery is known.
If you can’t use a Moon in a fixed sign for whatever reasons, then opt for a cardinal sign, next. The hands aren’t quite as steady, but guaranteed, your surgeon will be FAST. You will come out of surgery sooner than expected under a cardinal Moon.
Do not schedule a surgery (except a life-death one) when Mercury is retrograde.
Mars rules our red blood cells, our muscles, and our vitality and our energy reserves. When retrograde, and if surgery must occur, it will not be successful.
If you do surgery during a Mars retrograde, recovery/recuperation time will be longer than normal and bleeding is more so you need blood transfusion.