While searching for an auspicious Muhurta Godhuli Muhurta comes first to mind.
This is considered one of the best Muhurta as all the defects are neglected in this Muhurta. In this muhurta the Nakshtra, Tithi, Karana, Navamsha, yogas, Lagna, jamitra dosh etc. are not taken into consideration.
गोपैर्यष्ट्याहतानं खुरपुटदलिता यातु धूलिर्द्दिनान्ते।
सोद्वाहे सुन्दरीराणं विपुलधनसुतारोग्य सौभाग्यकर्त्री॥13॥
तस्मिन काले न चर्क्षं न च तिथिकरणं नैव लग्नं न योगः।
ख्यातः पुंसां सुखार्त्थं शमयति दुरितान्युत्थितं गोरजश्च॥14॥ (Vivaha Patala - Brihat Samhita)
If it is aparahna (अपराह्न) time the dust raised by hoofs of the cows, which are running afraid of the stick of the shepherds, will spread everywhere. This time is termed ‘Godhuli’.
If a beautiful woman gets married in this time, then wealth, sons, health and prosperity results. During this time, Panchang elements such as Nakshtra, Tithi, Karana, Lagna, Nityayoga etc. are not important. The dust that rises from the land due to the footprints of the cows is very auspicious and famous. This is auspicious for the human beings and destroys all malefic results.
The dust that is raised in the evening by the pointed hoofs of the cows beaten with sticks by the cow-herds, is favorable for the marriage of charming girls. It bestows abundant wealth, sons, sound health and husband's affection.
Godhuli literally means 'the auspicious time when the dust is raised by cows'. Go means a cow and dhuli means dust. For, the dust raised by cows is noted for giving happiness to men, as it wards off all sins.
While Sun is still not set and the sky is filled with the dust from the feet of cows returning home after grazing. Then that ghati is said to be very auspicious for all auspicious works. This ghati is known as Godhuli.
If in Godhuli Muhurta the Moon is situated in the 11th or in 2nd, 3rd. This is called Utama Godhuli. Position of moon in rest of houses is called Dhuli Mukhi. All these situations are considered auspicious.
But while calculating marriage muhurta then avoid Kulik yoga, Kranti Samaya and Moon in 6th or 8th house of muhurta chart. In this case marriage should not be performed in Godhuli Muhurta.
Godhuli Bhanga: Presence of Mars in Lagna, 7th or 8th house of muhurta Kundali creates Godhuli bhanga and Godhuli Lagna becomes inauspicious for the bridegroom.
Godhuli Lagna:The seventh sign from the ascendant sign at the time of sunrise is known as Godhuli Lagna.
Godhuli Bheda: There is A Godhuli Bheda as Under:
In Hemant Ritu, when Sun is round then time of Sunset is termed as Godhuli time,
In summer when it is half set and
In Rainy season when Sun is fully set, it is termed as Godhuli time.
Some Drawbacks/ Dosha of Godhuli Muhurta
It is recommended to sacrifice these defects when calculating Godhuli muhurta.
If no auspicious Lagna is available on that chosen day, only then stability of Godhuli Lagna is considered. Godhuli Lagna should not be preferred if some auspicious Lagna is available.
Rules for selecting Godhuli Lagna: This Lagna rules 12 min before and after the time of local Sun set of the place where marriage will be performed. At that time Moon should not be in 6 and 8th houses of Lagna, Tithi (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, & 13) of both Paksha are adopted. And also, Full moon and 1st Tithi of Krishna Paksha is acceptable. Chaturdashi and Amavasya, Shukla Pratipada are not chosen. Auspicious Tithis should rule at the time of marriage.
• Sunday should be considered in this muhurta.
• Kulik muhurta period, Kranti time, Lagna of Godhuli muhurta, Moon in the sixth & eighth should be sacrificed.
• Position of malefic planet in its own lagna nakshatra is not considered auspicious.
• Moon in the first, sixth and eighth house from Godhuli Lagna is not considered auspicious for girls (Bride dies).
• Mars in the first, seventh or eighth house from the Lagna is not considered auspicious for boys.
• On Thursday Godhuli muhurta before sunset is considered to be inauspicious. However, the time after the sunset can be considered auspicious.
• On Saturday Godhuli muhurta before sunset is considered to be auspicious. However, the time after the sunset is not auspicious.
• Similarly, Mars, when in Lagna, 7th or 8th at Godhuli time, Bridegroom gets destroyed. So avoid such combination.
• If Moon is in 2nd, 3rd or 11th house during Godhuli, it is Auspicious.
Anju Anand
Astro Windows
#Godhuli_Lagna, #Auspicious_Muhurta, #Best_Marriage_Muhurta, #Godhuli_Muhurta