The Lagna is commonly known as the Ascendant or sign rising in the East Horizon.
Just as the Lagna is a very important factor in natal astrology, so it is in Muhurta, as it is the
Lagna that births the event. If the Lagna is favorable and well disposed, the event is off to a good start and has inherent strength with which to survive. If the Lagna is unfavorable or poorly disposed, the event has a rough or stressful start and carries within it weaknesses that will surface in time, just as a baby born with congenital weaknesses becomes diseased in time.
The Rasis of the benefic planets: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces are generally favorable for most beneficial activities.
In determining the Rasis of the benefics, the condition of the Moon as to whether it is a benefic or malefic should be considered.
The Moon is a benefic when it is 120 to 240 degrees from the Sun.
It is a malefic when it is within 60 degrees of the Sun.
When 60 to 120 degrees from the Sun or when 240 to 300 degrees from the Sun the Moon is not significantly benefic or malefic.
When the Moon is a malefic, Cancer Lagna is best avoided.
The Lagna becomes even more favorable if it is influenced by benefics that are not in debilitation Rasi or Navamsa, or if it is one of the Upachaya Rasis from the natal Lagna or natal Moon.
The Rasis of the malefic planets: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius are generally unfavorable for beneficial activities unless specified elsewhere. This particularly holds true for the Rasis of Mars and Saturn.
Exception: Jupiter or Venus in or aspecting the Lagna overcomes the adverse effects of an unfavorable Lagna (so long as they are not in debilitation Rasi or Navamsa).
Exception: Jupiter in a friendly Rasi or better in an angle overcomes the ill effects of an unfavorable Lagna.
The influences to the Lagna lord indicate the supportive or harmful influences that the event will encounter throughout its existence. Malefics or planets debilitated in the Rasi or Navamsa indicate situations that will harm the well-being of the event, curtail its longevity, and reduce the satisfaction derived from the event.
Benefics or planets in exaltation, Mulatrikona or own Rasi, whether in the Rasi or Navamsa, or planets in Vargottama indicate situations that will increase the well-being of the event and the happiness that it provides.
Sirodaya Rasis: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. Sirodaya Rasis are those that rise head first
Prishtodaya Rasis: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Prishtodaya Rasis are those that rise feet first.
Sirodaya Rasis are considered more favorable and allow events to fulfill themselves more readily and sooner than do Prishtodaya Rasis.
Ubhayodaya Rasis: Pisces, which is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, rises with both head and feet first and is known as Ubhayodaya.
Just as there are Urdhva, Adha and Tiryag Mukha Nakshatras, so there are Rasis:
Urdhva Mukha Rasi: The Rasi that the Sun has just passed through is known as Urdhva Mukha (facing up).
Adho Mukha Rasi: The Rasi that the Sun is in is known as Adho Mukha (facing down).
Tiryag Mukha Rasis: The Rasi that the Sun will next occupy is known as Tiryag Mukha (horizontally facing).
If one of these Rasis rises, the effects are as per their names. The Adho Muhka Rasi is generally unfavorable except for those actions that are specifically meant to go downwards.
For acts requiring aggression, force, cruelty, initiative, and also for conception, male Rasis are more favorable than are female Rasis.
For acts of kindness, gentleness, beautifying, receptivity and patience, female Rasis are more favorable than are male Rasis.
There should be no malefics in the Lagna or Navamsa Lagna at the time of beginning any activity.
Exception: Venus or the Moon in the 10th and Jupiter in an angle overcome the negativity of the Lagna afflicted by malefics.
Depending upon the Tithi at the time of the Muhurta, certain Rasis become Shunya “empty” and should not be the Lagna:
Muhurta Chintamani, oddly enough, only gives Shunya Rasis for the odd Tithis. Of these, it is in general agreement with other sources but gives Cancer instead of Scorpio for the 9th Tithi, and Pisces instead of Leo for the 13th Tithi, which have not been found to give as accurate results.
Exception: If the Lagna lord is in its own Rasi joined or aspected by Jupiter, the negative effects of Suunya vanish.
Exception: If Jupiter is in the same Nakshatra as the Moon, the negative effects of Suunya vanish. (In this case Jupiter should be in a different Rasi from the Moon.)
Exception: All the benefics strong in angles or trines remove the negative effects of Suunya.
It is only acceptable to have a Suunya Rasi on the Lagna if the event is aimed at overcoming some difficulty. In this case, the Lagna lord must be in a Dusthana, the 3rd, a Suunya Rasi, or debilitated in the Rasi or Navamsa and not with any other planets other than the lord of a Dusthana, the 3rd lord, the lord of a Suunya Rasi or a planet debilitated in the Rasi or Navamsa. Or, the the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th lord, the lord of a Suunya Rasi or a planet debilitated in the Rasi or the Navasma must be in the Lagna. In both these cases the difficulty is destroyed.
Aries, Taurus and Leo are blind during the daytime, and Gemini, Cancer and Virgo are blind during the night. Blind Rasis cause impediments and should be avoided as Lagnas.
Exception: If Mercury is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th when the Moon is in the 9th or 10th aspected by a benefic, the ill effects of blindness are removed.
Exception: Strong Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in the 4th, 7th or 10th removes the ill effects of blindness.
Exception: Benefics aspecting the Lagna remove the ill effects of blindness.
Exception: The Moon in the 4th, 7th, 9th or 10th house removes the ill effects of blindness.
Exception: Jupiter aspecting the Lagna or Lagna lord removes the ill effects of blindness.
Libra and Scorpio are deaf during the day, and Capricorn and Sagittarius are deaf during the night.
These Rasis as Lagnas cause loss and should be avoided.
Exception: The strong Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in the 4th, 7th or 10th removes the ill effects of deafness.
Exception: Jupiter aspecting the Lagna or Lagna lord removes the ill effects of deafness.
Aquarius is lame during the day and Pisces during the night. These Rasis as Lagnas are adverse for longevity.
Exception: The strong Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in the 4th, 7th or 10th removes the ill effects of lameness.
Exception: Jupiter aspecting the Lagna or Lagna lord removes the ill effects of lameness.
The Navamsa Lagna should be that of a benefic planet when performing any beneficial activities. The general rule is that the Navamsa should be of the planets whose Varas are favorable for the event. Additionally, the Navamsa Lagna should not be a Suunya Rasi.
Exception: The negative effects of the lord of the Navamsa Lagna being a malefic diminish when benefics are strong in the Lagna, or even in the other angles or trines.
Exception: The Moon in the 11th removes the ill effects of the Navamsa being that of a malefic.
The Navamsa Lagna has the same role as the Lagna, namely it helps birth or start the event. If the Navamsa Lagna is favorable and well-disposed, the event is off to a good start and has inherent strength with which to survive. If it is unfavorable or poorly disposed, the event has a rough or stressful start and carries within it
weaknesses that will surface in time.
The Navamsa Lagna also has a bearing on the level of success reached, and in that context it is even more important than the Lagna itself. It is well worth insuring that the Navamsa Lagna is welldisposed.
The influences to the Navamsa Lagna lord indicate the factors that support or disrupt success. The Navamsa Lagna lord should be well-disposed and is very favorable when placed in an angle or the 11th in the Rasi, or even in the Navamsa. At all costs the Navamsa Lagna lord should be avoided in the 6th, 8th or 12th, in both the Rasi and the Navamsa.
If Nakshatra Vishanadi, Tithi Vishanadi or Vara Vishanadi is present, and if the end (the last Navamsa) of any Rasi is rising it is very unfavorable.
Exception: A benefic in or aspecting the Lagna removes the negative effects of Vishanadi and the end of a Rasi on the Lagna.
Just as the Lagna is a very important factor in natal astrology, so it is in Muhurta, as it is the
Lagna that births the event. If the Lagna is favorable and well disposed, the event is off to a good start and has inherent strength with which to survive. If the Lagna is unfavorable or poorly disposed, the event has a rough or stressful start and carries within it weaknesses that will surface in time, just as a baby born with congenital weaknesses becomes diseased in time.
The Rasis of the benefic planets: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces are generally favorable for most beneficial activities.
In determining the Rasis of the benefics, the condition of the Moon as to whether it is a benefic or malefic should be considered.
The Moon is a benefic when it is 120 to 240 degrees from the Sun.
It is a malefic when it is within 60 degrees of the Sun.
When 60 to 120 degrees from the Sun or when 240 to 300 degrees from the Sun the Moon is not significantly benefic or malefic.
When the Moon is a malefic, Cancer Lagna is best avoided.
The Lagna becomes even more favorable if it is influenced by benefics that are not in debilitation Rasi or Navamsa, or if it is one of the Upachaya Rasis from the natal Lagna or natal Moon.
The Rasis of the malefic planets: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius are generally unfavorable for beneficial activities unless specified elsewhere. This particularly holds true for the Rasis of Mars and Saturn.
Exception: Jupiter or Venus in or aspecting the Lagna overcomes the adverse effects of an unfavorable Lagna (so long as they are not in debilitation Rasi or Navamsa).
Exception: Jupiter in a friendly Rasi or better in an angle overcomes the ill effects of an unfavorable Lagna.
The influences to the Lagna lord indicate the supportive or harmful influences that the event will encounter throughout its existence. Malefics or planets debilitated in the Rasi or Navamsa indicate situations that will harm the well-being of the event, curtail its longevity, and reduce the satisfaction derived from the event.
Benefics or planets in exaltation, Mulatrikona or own Rasi, whether in the Rasi or Navamsa, or planets in Vargottama indicate situations that will increase the well-being of the event and the happiness that it provides.
Sirodaya Rasis: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. Sirodaya Rasis are those that rise head first
Prishtodaya Rasis: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Prishtodaya Rasis are those that rise feet first.
Sirodaya Rasis are considered more favorable and allow events to fulfill themselves more readily and sooner than do Prishtodaya Rasis.
Ubhayodaya Rasis: Pisces, which is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, rises with both head and feet first and is known as Ubhayodaya.
Just as there are Urdhva, Adha and Tiryag Mukha Nakshatras, so there are Rasis:
Urdhva Mukha Rasi: The Rasi that the Sun has just passed through is known as Urdhva Mukha (facing up).
Adho Mukha Rasi: The Rasi that the Sun is in is known as Adho Mukha (facing down).
Tiryag Mukha Rasis: The Rasi that the Sun will next occupy is known as Tiryag Mukha (horizontally facing).
If one of these Rasis rises, the effects are as per their names. The Adho Muhka Rasi is generally unfavorable except for those actions that are specifically meant to go downwards.
For acts requiring aggression, force, cruelty, initiative, and also for conception, male Rasis are more favorable than are female Rasis.
For acts of kindness, gentleness, beautifying, receptivity and patience, female Rasis are more favorable than are male Rasis.
There should be no malefics in the Lagna or Navamsa Lagna at the time of beginning any activity.
Exception: Venus or the Moon in the 10th and Jupiter in an angle overcome the negativity of the Lagna afflicted by malefics.
Depending upon the Tithi at the time of the Muhurta, certain Rasis become Shunya “empty” and should not be the Lagna:
1st Tithi | Libra & Capricorn |
2nd Tithi | Sagittarius & Pisces |
3rd Tithi | Leo & Capricorn |
4th Tithi | Taurus & Aquarius |
5th Tithi | Gemini & Virgo |
6th Tithi | Aries & Leo |
7th Tithi | Sagittarius & Cancer |
8th Tithi | Gemini & Virgo |
9th Tithi | Leo & Scorpio |
10th Tithi | Leo & Scorpio |
11th Tithi | Sagittarius & Pisces |
12th Tithi | Libra & Capricorn |
13th Tithi | Leo & Taurus |
14th Tithi | Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces |
15th Tithi | No Shunya Rasis. |
Muhurta Chintamani, oddly enough, only gives Shunya Rasis for the odd Tithis. Of these, it is in general agreement with other sources but gives Cancer instead of Scorpio for the 9th Tithi, and Pisces instead of Leo for the 13th Tithi, which have not been found to give as accurate results.
Exception: If the Lagna lord is in its own Rasi joined or aspected by Jupiter, the negative effects of Suunya vanish.
Exception: If Jupiter is in the same Nakshatra as the Moon, the negative effects of Suunya vanish. (In this case Jupiter should be in a different Rasi from the Moon.)
Exception: All the benefics strong in angles or trines remove the negative effects of Suunya.
It is only acceptable to have a Suunya Rasi on the Lagna if the event is aimed at overcoming some difficulty. In this case, the Lagna lord must be in a Dusthana, the 3rd, a Suunya Rasi, or debilitated in the Rasi or Navamsa and not with any other planets other than the lord of a Dusthana, the 3rd lord, the lord of a Suunya Rasi or a planet debilitated in the Rasi or Navamsa. Or, the the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th lord, the lord of a Suunya Rasi or a planet debilitated in the Rasi or the Navasma must be in the Lagna. In both these cases the difficulty is destroyed.
Aries, Taurus and Leo are blind during the daytime, and Gemini, Cancer and Virgo are blind during the night. Blind Rasis cause impediments and should be avoided as Lagnas.
Exception: If Mercury is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th when the Moon is in the 9th or 10th aspected by a benefic, the ill effects of blindness are removed.
Exception: Strong Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in the 4th, 7th or 10th removes the ill effects of blindness.
Exception: Benefics aspecting the Lagna remove the ill effects of blindness.
Exception: The Moon in the 4th, 7th, 9th or 10th house removes the ill effects of blindness.
Exception: Jupiter aspecting the Lagna or Lagna lord removes the ill effects of blindness.
Libra and Scorpio are deaf during the day, and Capricorn and Sagittarius are deaf during the night.
These Rasis as Lagnas cause loss and should be avoided.
Exception: The strong Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in the 4th, 7th or 10th removes the ill effects of deafness.
Exception: Jupiter aspecting the Lagna or Lagna lord removes the ill effects of deafness.
Aquarius is lame during the day and Pisces during the night. These Rasis as Lagnas are adverse for longevity.
Exception: The strong Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in the 4th, 7th or 10th removes the ill effects of lameness.
Exception: Jupiter aspecting the Lagna or Lagna lord removes the ill effects of lameness.
The Navamsa Lagna should be that of a benefic planet when performing any beneficial activities. The general rule is that the Navamsa should be of the planets whose Varas are favorable for the event. Additionally, the Navamsa Lagna should not be a Suunya Rasi.
Exception: The negative effects of the lord of the Navamsa Lagna being a malefic diminish when benefics are strong in the Lagna, or even in the other angles or trines.
Exception: The Moon in the 11th removes the ill effects of the Navamsa being that of a malefic.
The Navamsa Lagna has the same role as the Lagna, namely it helps birth or start the event. If the Navamsa Lagna is favorable and well-disposed, the event is off to a good start and has inherent strength with which to survive. If it is unfavorable or poorly disposed, the event has a rough or stressful start and carries within it
weaknesses that will surface in time.
The Navamsa Lagna also has a bearing on the level of success reached, and in that context it is even more important than the Lagna itself. It is well worth insuring that the Navamsa Lagna is welldisposed.
The influences to the Navamsa Lagna lord indicate the factors that support or disrupt success. The Navamsa Lagna lord should be well-disposed and is very favorable when placed in an angle or the 11th in the Rasi, or even in the Navamsa. At all costs the Navamsa Lagna lord should be avoided in the 6th, 8th or 12th, in both the Rasi and the Navamsa.
If Nakshatra Vishanadi, Tithi Vishanadi or Vara Vishanadi is present, and if the end (the last Navamsa) of any Rasi is rising it is very unfavorable.
Exception: A benefic in or aspecting the Lagna removes the negative effects of Vishanadi and the end of a Rasi on the Lagna.